Mohamedsoud (20), Osijek, escort sexgirl     Call

Mohamedsoud (20) escort Osijek

"Mirror Selfie Osijek"


Tel. number
Location: Osijek / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 14:27
3 days ago: 18:10
Incall/Outcall: Outcall
Foreign languages: English, French
Piercings: Navel
Pussy: Shaved mostly
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash
Duo service: Siw Elin escort

About Me

Rebecca definitivno zna kako razmaziti muškarca. Prekrasne obline i puno grudi, Rebecca ima mnogo toga za ponuditi i pruža izvrsnu uslugu. Rado ću podijeliti fotografije, kad budem komf.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 180 cm / 5'11''
Weight: 46 kg
Age: 20 yrs
Hobby: playing guitar, singing rock songs in my car, cooking when I can, going to the keys and hanging with friendssports, working out, hanging out.Sports, Music
Nationality: Croatian
Preferences: Searching for a man
Breast: BB
Eye color: green
Perfumes: Nouveau Paris Perfume
Orientation: Bisexuals


Blowjob with Condom
School girl sex
Passionate kissing
Kissing Osijek
Bare back blow job
Titjob Osijek
Foot Fetish
Sauna Sex
Covered blow job
Couples sex escort Osijek
Dinner companion
Sexy lingerie Osijek
Foam massage


Quick €30
1 hour €110 €160 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour
12 hours €500
24 hours

Hello love, I only go to homes and motels, just call me or talk to me at whatsapp, I will go up to heaven, you will regret it, rich sex and rich kisses.

Escort Mohamedsoud reviews:

toad1985: Zanimalo me odglumiti prilično složenu igru ​​uloga/scenu senzualne dominacije i proveo sam prilično vremena tražeći nekoga tko bi mogao raditi sa mnom da to ostvarim. Konačno, na temelju njezine web stranice i prijašnjih recenzija, odlučio sam nazvati Mohamedsoud Jezebel. Unutar otprilike 30 sekundi telefonskog razgovora osjećao sam se vrlo ugodno jer sam napravio pravi izbor. Njezina inteligencija i iskustvo odmah su bili vidljivi, a također je jasno dala do znanja da želi znati što točno tražim kako bih bila sigurna da može uspješno pružiti iskustvo. Dogovorili smo se za neko vrijeme, dala mi je jasne upute, a brzi poziv nakon što sam bio nadomak doveo me do njezinih ulaznih vrata. Izgleda dobro na svojim slikama, ali stvarno bolje izgleda uživo. Ima osmijeh koji je istovremeno i prijateljski i senzualan, a mene je dočekao lijep zagrljaj. Sjela sam u daleko najsenzualnije ljubavno gnijezdo koje sam ikad posjetila i proveli smo neko vrijeme razgovarajući o mojim granicama i željama. VIP osobe čitajte dalje...

Medlock: Rezervirana Mohamedsoud preko njezinog pomoćnika, sve je bilo lako postaviti. Reci joj da će se moja žena pridružiti zabavi. Mohamedsoud slažem se. Stigla je na vrijeme i kada sam je vidio znao sam da sam napravio pravi izbor.

cutecow: Bilo je zabavno s Mohamedsoud, iako bih volio da je postalo malo čudnije. U redu, općenito je bilo dobro vrijeme i preporučio bih je većini muškaraca, ali nisam svaki tip i ponekad volim malo podivljati u spavaćoj sobi. To znači da mogu razumjeti da se svaka ptica neće baviti istim stvarima kao ja. Dakle, kad sam otišao u njezin stan, s njom je bilo lako slagati se i imala je divan osmijeh, pa sam čak i flertovao s njom kao što biste vi, i činilo se da ona uživa u tome.Međutim, kad smo otišli u njezinu spavaću sobu, mogao sam reći da je bila iznenađena s malo batina od samog početka, iako je podigla suknju kako bi mi stvarno pružila dobru priliku da to učinim. Činilo se da ju je iznenadio čak i moj prljavi govor kad mi se obrušila, pa sam ga tada malo povratio. Postalo je više uobičajeno iskustvo djevojke, i iako je to u redu i sve, nadao bih se da će mi uzvratiti isto i stvarno podivljati. Dakle, bez brige ako želite standard. Mohamedsoud to definitivno može ponuditi. Ako želite nešto malo jače, možda biste trebali krenuti dalje.

Dinkum S.: Vidio sam Ms Sweetness nakon što mi je prijatelj hobi rekao za nju i moram reći da nije bio toliko iskren koliko je mogao biti. Mnogo je ljepša i slađa nego što sam vjerovao. Vidio sam ovu prekrasnu mladu damu dvaput i iako nema pun GFE kao što inače zahtijevam, ona je definitivno ugodna i jesam li spomenuo da je prekrasna? Vidjet ću je opet i opet.



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Text or call me 5164341899 to get to know each othe.

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There are niche sites out there for everything, I suppose you could find some without pics. Also, some people are already doing what you suggest on mainstream sites - some don't have a pic, you could always talk to those types.

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Sorry that is not what you want to hear. But rationalizing it and trying to think of someway it isn't true will not help you.

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i do feel that this guy loves you he wants to eb closer to you tahn any other....if you dont feel the same way fro him i think you should tell him ...i dont know if a friendship would be fair on either one of an empath......i tell peopel to eb stright up with me....adn i have conversations called the "lets do the honesty thing".......where everything said is blunt and straight forward no holds barred..questions and answers........when i have these conversations soemtimes i get scared.........i wish i didnt say lets do it..........because they freaking hurt me....but.....i know its the only way to do it......soemtimes i need to be hurt to move on...or i keep fighting...and goign and going and trying to figure out how to fix things that cant be fixed...not by me.....i stay in relationships far past overdue.....years.

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Is this a shy or confident guy? From my personal experience (being one), a shy guy will give little indication at all that he is interested. I have a similar situation at the moment in my workplace with a girl. Even though our personalities don't really match, we seem to just feel really at ease with each other and at a party last week, I'm almost certain she was coming-on to me (hugs, kisses on the cheek, squeezing my shoulder, grabbing my hips from behind, bought me a drink), but despite all that I stayed more or less icy-cold in that department.

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He says he craves other women but doesn't want to have sex with them, and he's way too much into porn. He likes to hang out in his favorite bar (almost everyday, while I sit at home and he calls to check on me every hour or two), and when I walk into the bar, he's either sitting or standing by a woman yet doesn't want me going to the bar by myself or sitting by other men. He denies cheating and looks me straight in the eye when he's drinking, but yesterday I asked him when he was sober, he looked to the left, blinked his eyes, and said "no" and then turned back to look at me.

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tummyfan?, have you seen her?

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Many people make the most absurd excuses for not having photos. I don't like having my pic taken, I'm usually behind the lens, I don't like smiling, my camera is broken, I don't have any... bla bla. As if those issues are dead-end unsolvable problems. There is a simple solution: get some good photos. If you put your mind to it, it's really not that hard. Get dressed nicely, go to your local park and ask the first stranger you see to take your pic. If you're embarrassed then say it's to send to your mum or something. Nobody EVER refuses a polite request like that. Ask them to snap off 3 or 4 so you can choose the best one. Repeat with the next stranger. Go home, get changed go to a new location and repeat. Pretty soon you'll have a good selection of photos.

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wowsers. she's stout!


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