Romoke (24), Osijek, escort girl
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Romoke (24) escort Osijek

"Not share this selfie in Osijek"


Tel. number
Location: Osijek / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 22:41
4 days ago: 00:20
Incall/Outcall: Outcall
Foreign languages: English
Piercings: None
Tatoo: A Few
Safe apartment: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

Imate li fetiš ili fantaziju koju želite da ispunim? Ona dominira i voli biti masirana. Nazovite nas ako želite provesti vrijeme s ovom prekrasnom damom. Ona zna kako vas natjerati da izgorite u želji.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 168 cm
Weight: 77 kg / 170 lbs
Age: 24 yrs
Hobby: Dancing, Clubs, beach, Suntan, music, sex
Nationality: Czech
Preferences: I'm want man
Breast: B
Eye color: brown
Perfumes: Parfums Sophiste
Orientation: Bisexuals


Doggy style Osijek
Fisting Osijek
Cum in Mouth
Bondage sex
Shower service
Full oil massage escorts Osijek
Anal massage
Intimate shaving
Deep throat Osijek
Strap on
Ball Licking and Sucking
Whirlpool Osijek
Bare back blow job
Anal play Osijek


Quick €40
1 hour €130
Plus hour €100
12 hours €900
24 hours €1400

Escort Romoke reviews:

ytry17: Početkom siječnja povezao sam se s Romoke putem TER objave tražeći pružatelje usluga koji mogu podnijeti girjavog člana. Romoke se dobrovoljno javio. Smiješno kako stvari funkcioniraju. Bila je dorasla izazovu i dogovorili smo se da nekoliko tjedana kasnije rezerviramo Boston jer je bila na turneji. Bilo je dugo čekati, ali vrijedilo je. Na određeni dan sreo sam je u Incallu.Moj prvi dojam je bio da izgleda baš kao ona koja je pobjegla. Ona za kojom žudite nakon što je zbog pogreške u mladosti zauvijek napustila vaš život. Jako liči na Zooey Deschanel. Ona je iskustvo Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Slijedite "Dreams" od The Cranberries. Ostalo je za VIP osobe...

candy1345: Nije sjajna noć i ne bih ponovno rezervirao kod nje. Mogu razumjeti kako svatko može imati slobodan dan kada je u pitanju posao, ali ona nije bila baš pristojna i nije se čak činilo da želi puno raditi u spavaćoj sobi. Znam da ljudi sada pokušavaju biti oprezni, ali ako nećeš htjeti dodirivati ​​ustima, onda možda ne bi trebao uzimati klijente. Na kraju smo oboje malo drkali jedno drugo, a onda je ona jahala me, ali nije izgledala kao da uživa u svemu tome. Nije se ni pretvarao.

HOOKAHCREEN: Ovo je recenzija koja kasni, ne zbog bilo kakvog oklijevanja s moje strane, već jednostavno zato što sam trebao uzeti vremena da sjednem i napišem je. Ispričavam se Alyssi što mi je trebalo toliko dugo da to učinim. Putovao sam poslovno u Miami i odlučio sam se malo zabaviti tamo. Koristeći mnoge recenzije dostupne ovdje na TER-u, konačno sam uspio suziti svoju pretragu na Alyssu Day. Odluka je bila teška budući da je na jugu Floride dostupno toliko divnih žena, ali kombinacija povoljnih recenzija i brojnih izvanrednih slika na njezinoj stranici dovela me do toga da konačno odlučim da je sastanak s Alyssom pravi put. Izuzetno mi je drago što sam donio tu odluku, jer sam se lijepo proveo s jednom uistinu lijepom i zabavnom mladom ženom. Ne-VIP osobe, nećete pogriješiti ako se nađete s Alyssom.

Abalone: Romoke (također zvana Natasha) je vrlo iskrena senzualna, inteligentna djevojka. Dobro mi je izmasirala leđa i, kao što sam je zamolio, erotsku lopticu koja me škakljala i drkala. Točno je znala koje gumbe treba pritisnuti da me upali. Daje duboke strastvene poljupce, ima sjajnu tehniku ​​za OWO - i uključuje lizanje loptica i sisanje. Seks je također na jelovniku, ali nekako nismo zaokružili to jer sam tijekom mog drugog napada duboko produženog senzualnog OWO-a odlučio da je ovo bilo predobro da bi se suzdržalo. Nakon čišćenja, "ljubavnici" smo se poljubili i mazili prije nego što sam morala otići. Ima samo nekoliko tabua i ne pazi na sat. Bože, kako divna djevojka! Otišao sam zadovoljan i sigurno ću se vratiti što prije



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It's uncommon for a man to pay for a date. In fact, it's never happened to me.

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Since I wrote that post he has been contacting me daily, because we're just getting closer and things are progressing. But i have to disagree with your general theory that constant contact is the hallmark of serious interest. What about before cell phones? Did people who had been dating a month or so speak on the phone every single day? Seems like a lot to me. Also seems like a little bit of mystery, or missing someone, would be good for a relationship. The last almost relationship I was in, we texted constantly. All day every day. And I actually think that had a lot of adverse effects on what could've been a real relationship.

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Your hangup that she said you likes you a lot. So what where is she then? You need to remove her from your mind and say it will never work out between me and (her name goes here) say that until it sticks in your mind. Remember is she with you right now? Nope so why create false hope for some woman who's with someone else. Or she not with you for a reason. She's not into you by chance? Last time I had check if a woman was so interested in you she would try to make the effort to reach out to you.

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righty for sure,great body.

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Forget the beer. THIS is Milwaukee's Best.

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ADMIN: delete my account pleasenice hp by the way.

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It was pretty clear how dysfunctional he lived his life in not dealing with his shortcomings and his feelings about them and how it created the need to choose women who were especially vulnerable and easy to manipulate.

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I gotta run out for a few minutes...back in a bit.

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No contact is meant for you to get over her. It is not meant to get her back. In the rarest of cases, it can get her back for a brief time but then she will brush you off again eventually. The behavior she displays is very typical of someone who is not interested in you in a romantic way. When you go no contact on a girl, it is very typical for her to ask why haven't you called or why did you drop off the face of the Earth. It doesn't mean she is now interested in you because she asked about you. Move on, my friend and no contact as much as you can. Sometimes it is hard if you work with the person or attend the same classes but do it as much as you can.

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How did this guy get these lovelies in this room? She is perfect.

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These days, chicks are jumping into the sack with the entire football team by noon the following day. Your girl seems to have a good head on her shoulders.

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it'll be interesting. :).

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