Ja sam novo lice koje vas čeka u W2 Bayswater i koje nećete željeti propustiti. Moje ime je Warmadika i ja sam vrlo otvorena djevojka s osobnošću koja je smirena, opuštena i prizemna. Ja sam godišnja istočnoeuropska djevojka koja će vam zasjajiti u očima. Volim provoditi tihe trenutke zajedno i dijeliti naše najintimnije osjećaje i želje. Ako trebam ozbiljno, pogledat ću vijesti.
Height: | 182 cm |
Weight: | 76 kg / 168 lbs |
Age: | 19 yrs |
Hobby: | Exercising, Reading, Psychology, Being beyond normal. Martial Arts, Fighting, Bouncing, non military thingsdeejaying/lighting/video/sound |
Nationality: | Croatian |
Preferences: | Wanting sex contacts |
Breast: | like melons |
Eye color: | brown |
Perfumes: | Greta Mastroianni |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Erotic massage Osijek |
Swingersclub Osijek |
Blow job |
School girl sex |
Footjob |
Brazilian sex |
Mistress escorts Osijek |
Sexy shower |
Masturbate |
Lingerie |
Doggy style |
Anal massage |
Erotic sensual massage escorts Osijek |
Sex in Different Positions |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €30 | €70 |
1 hour | €100 | €170 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) |
Plus hour | ||
12 hours | ||
24 hours | €1000 |
Bell1978: Wow, Warmadika je prekrasna djevojka. Mlada, lijepog lica i divne glatke kože. Tijelo joj je vruće! Seks s Warmadika je bio dobar. Bila je malo ukočena, ali se trudila zadovoljiti me. Oral je bio spor i seksi. Ima prekrasnu okruglu guzu, koju je bilo zadovoljstvo držati dok je završavala odostraga. Lijepa, draga djevojka.
Dorian: Naišao sam na recenzije Warmadika i morao sam je isprobati. Drago mi je da jesam. Moj novi favorit u Sjevernoj Floridi. Vrlo atraktivna dama, nije dijete, ali jako lijepo vrijeme s njom. Definitivno će ponoviti.
Pendulous: Nazvao sam je i javila se i s njom je bilo vrlo lako razgovarati. Vrlo druželjubiv i razigran. Nepotrebno je reći da sam već bio uzbuđen što je vidim. Na kraju smo se našli u njezinom hotelu u dogovoreno vrijeme. Kad je stigla, otvorio sam vrata i pustio je unutra. Lijepo me zagrlila i duboko poljubila kad je ušla. Znao sam da će ovo biti zabavno vrijeme . Malo smo razgovarali i ubrzo smo se približili što je dovelo do još DFK i lijepog milovanja. Uskoro je došlo vrijeme da se preselim u krevet.
BRIMMER56SAVERIO: Moja supruga i ja odlučili smo da želimo dodati na naš popis iskustava i imati troje. Nismo željeli prolaziti kroz neugodnost traženja civila voljnog sudjelovati pa smo odlučili angažirati profesionalca. Pa, Warmadika je to, a zatim još nešto! Bila je vrlo komunikativna i s njom je bilo lako raditi. Imala je vrlo jednostavan proces pregleda zbog kojeg smo se oboje osjećali ugodno. Kad je došao dan, služba je bila sve o čemu smo oboje maštali. VIP članovi čitajte dalje.
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B - She was testing you. If she knows that you have had no prior relationships, she may be testing your confidence. Girls do this quite often (my so-called g/f at the moment [read my post] did this to me within our first few hours of talking) to check for that "appealing" quality of you. By testing your confidence, a girl can find out how cocky you are, how loyal you will be, whether or not you'd stick up for her, or even fight for her. If this seemed to be the case, sometimes its a good time to make your first move right there (different depending on the moment). If i seriously liked her, I would have put my hand on her's and asked something to the effect of, "I had hoped we could go on a date before you decide that.".
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laying blonde ponytail bikini backknot.
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First of all, Greetings to all Loving humans in this forum.
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what should I do? I was thinking get her number first and try and set up a date? please help, I'm lost! thanks.
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To love support and care for someone is what friendship is all about. Gender doesn't come in to it. In some instances people may have ulterior motives (I'll be their friend and see if I can bed 'em later down the line) but although this happens I reckon its in the minority. If someone offers you kindness and affection, and this makes you happy I say accept it for a good thing in a cynical world.
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Nice feet, she is kind of thick for my liking!!!
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Perhaps not... if the OP gave any indication that he realized or cared that they were both guilty of stepping over boundaries.
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dimples leaning db hoodie.
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Very nice mismatched bikini babe!
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If the OP's gf is telling the truth then she was with a strange man AND that man's girlfriend. It seems like she was interested in the spliff, not in getting up to anything with another man. This behaviour is the norm for college students. So for a grown adult it does seem juvenile but beyond that not alarming at all.
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Thnx! It must be my paying too much attention to the kind of bikini or the trees in the background, that I miss out on the more obvious things :P.
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Maybe this guy would NEVER cheat on his girlfriend, is he supposed to just give up this friendship because his girlfriend is clearly insecure? What's next then? What else is he going to have to give up that makes her uncomfortable . Guys night out at the bar? There are girls there... does he have to give that up too? What if he focuses on his career and she feels neglected, does he give that up too?