☘️❤️Ako mi možeš udovoljiti onda se možemo naći drugi put. Pridružite se besplatnom računu, pretražite moj ID "LocalHorny296" uzmite moj # s profila i pošaljite mi poruku, samo želim biti siguran da ste ozbiljni u vezi ovoga. Ja to mogu učiniti BESPLATNO!☘️❤️===NEMA POTREBE ZA PODNOŠENJEM BILO KAKVE KARTICE, SAMO STAVITE SVOJU E-POŠTU I POTVRĐITE EMAII DA SE REGISTRUJETE==== Ili me šutnite: bulejobes100POSJETITE WEB stranicu ispod. Ako želite saznati više, pošaljite mi poruku :).
Height: | 184 cm |
Weight: | 57 kg / 126 lbs |
Age: | 27 yrs |
Motto: | JUST DO ME BABY!!!!!! |
Nationality: | Croatian |
Preferences: | I'm seeking sexual partners |
Breast: | Super Nice |
Eye color: | grey |
Perfumes: | America's Next Top Model |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Sex in Different Positions |
Double Penetration Požega |
Footjob |
Light bondage sex |
Handjob Požega |
Bi twin |
Sex toys Požega |
Body worship Požega |
Strip tease |
Doggy style |
School girl sex |
Sexy shower Požega |
Trampling |
Bondage sex |
Blow job |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €40 | |
1 hour | €110 | |
Plus hour | €90 | |
12 hours | €700 | |
24 hours | €1000 |
GOBEARS23CONVIVIAL: Vidio sam Jessicinu partnericu, Ruby, tjedan dana prije nego što sam vidio Jessicu, a nisam mogao dobiti Ruby neposredno prije našeg sastanka. Nazvao sam Jessicu da vidim može li joj javiti da sam na mjestu poziva i svidio mi se njezin prijateljski stav pa sam je odlučio posjetiti sljedeći tjedan. Zajedno objavljuju i koriste iste lažne fotografije, a jedna je potpuno drugačija od druge. Mogu ponoviti ako sam dovoljno napaljen.
Riskier: Uputio se u Northbay zbog posla, a zatim zbog posla s majmunima. Nazvao sam Lisu i ostavio poruku na VM, a ona mi je uzvratila poziv i dogovorila termin za sljedeći dan. Otišao sam kod nje u lijepo susjedstvo tipa spavaće sobe i tada je počela zabava..
Wizzone: Radovao sam se ovom puntu već neko vrijeme i nisam se smio razočarati. Htio sam savršen početak vikenda i dečko sam bio za poslasticu. Neću vas zamarati s detaljima, ali bezvezni razgovor me natjerao da nastavim i s velikim sam užitkom premazivao njezine zadivljujuće HH sise svojom spermom
Joshii66: Slike joj ne govore koliko treba. Iza maske wow samo wow. Prekrasan osmijeh i prekrasno lice. apsolutno savršeno. Ona se ne petlja. Poželio sam joj dobrodošlicu i odmah je krenula na mene. Učinila ju je po kuhinji i dnevnom boravku, nikad nije stigla do spavaće sobe. Baš ono što mi je trebalo. Definitivno ću je ponovno nazvati.
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Nike sports bra. Nike pro shorts.
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I think I'm a pretty down to earth guy, just looking for someone to hang out with, maybe share a few drinks and have a conversation. I like to live my life with a constant smile because we only have.
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But, you knew EXACTLY what you were doing, and knew where it was leading too.
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b2b goh twosome hoop red bra white bra.
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I ocassionally text some female friends but it is usually professionally related or to keep in touch. I would be concerned if the texting between he and his female friend is too routine. The texting out of respect sounds to me like he is trying to be covert. Keep an eye on this.... Hope I am overreacting.
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add shiny silver purple bikini necklace.
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Great shot. Love the look on her face.
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Been dating this guy for a few weeks and I asked him about the last relationship. It lasted 2.5 years and they lived together for a part of that. I asked if he was unfaithful in the r and he admitted toward the end that he had been with someone else. I explained that cheating was a dealbreaker for me and he agreed but I'm seriously considering not moving forward with someone who problem solves by cheating. What if we have a conflict in our r? Just makes me wonder if cheating is how he escapes or runs from real problems that naturally occur in real relationships.
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heres what i think frozen.
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Hi. I've raised mybkids now it's my time. Looking to find a fun person to fill and share my life with. Someone with a great sense of humor and can let their guard down. I'm not interested in.
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Currently cheerbait at a major university.
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I really shouldn't think that shouldn't even come to mind...but there's a lot of people that are looking for their "one" at events, it's really obsessive on their part.
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if you like em faceless:) check out .
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Maybe not loud, but I go for confident guys. And that does mean being brave enough to speak up on occasion.