Galaleh (31), Rijeka, escort girl
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Verified Galaleh (31) escort Rijeka

"Verified Albanian Girl On Gril in Rijeka"


Tel. number
Location: Rijeka / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 11:37
Yesterday: 13:33
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, German, Spanish, Portugese
Piercings: Face
Pussy: Shaven
Safe apartment: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash
Duo service: Orleans escort

About Me

Ova prekrasna mlada istočnjačka eskort osoba ima tako lijepo lice da ćete biti zapanjeni čim je pogledate. Ona topi srca kamo god stigne i ima užurban društveni život jer svi žele biti u njezinoj blizini. Nah auti auti i još auta.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 178 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Age: 31 yrs
Hobby: Ski-dooing, motorcycles,clubs,women,sex...the usual
Nationality: Albanian
Preferences: Ready private sex
Breast: Super Nice
Lingerie: Topshop
Perfumes: Micaelangelo
Orientation: Straight


Cum on body Rijeka
Foam massage
Strap on
Intimate shaving
Role Play Rijeka
Deep throat escorts Rijeka
Brazilian sex
Covered blow job
Blowjob without Condom
Cumshot on body
Shower service


Quick €50 €70
1 hour €110 €170 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €110 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €900
24 hours €1200

Escort Galaleh reviews:

GENERATORSMARCELINA: Kontaktirali smo Denim putem P411... brzo je odgovorila... i dogovorili smo sastanak nekoliko dana kasnije. Stigao sam u siguran, učinkovit hotel u Napulju. Kad su se vrata otvorila, Denim je bila u donjem dijelu bikinija s rukama na grudima, upravo je izašla iz tuša. Imao sam termin rano ujutro. Oboje smo bili prilično ushićeni što se vidimo. Zatvorili smo i zaključali vrata i pali jedno drugome u zagrljaj, očarani pogledima jedno drugoga (za njezine sive oči treba umrijeti) i zaključani u LFK što je dovelo do DFK koja je stajala tik uz vrata.Traper se odlično ljubi i apsolutno voli ugađati. Ona je sićušna (možda 5'2" i mora težiti 98 lbs)....međutim...njezino tijelo je PUŠEĆE vruće sa savršeno pojačanim sisama, zategnutim tijelom i guzicom za kojom je Bog plakao nakon što ju je stvorio! uživao sam u Denim, njezinim vještinama i uglavnom njezinoj osobnosti da sam ponovno rezervirao još jednu sesiju za nekoliko dana. Ne-VIP osobe....... REZERVIRAJTE je prije nego ode!!

Sexyme12: Prvo se moram ispričati Galaleh zbog vrlo kasnog podnošenja ovog FR-a. Rekao sam joj da ću to učiniti nekoliko dana nakon moje posjete, ali okolnosti su se urotile protiv mene. Međutim, bolje ikad nego nikad i nedvojbeno će Galaleh izreći odgovarajuću kaznu kada sljedeći put posjetim. Posjetio sam ovu ustanovu prije [vidi prethodni FR], ali ovo je bio moj prvi susret s Galaleh. Kad je ušla u sobu, odmah sam bio zapanjen koliko je privlačno izgledala i koliko je bila dugonoga - što je jasno uzbuđivalo. Objasnio sam da bih želio uživati ​​u maloj dominaciji i postavio sam granice koje [KEYPART-1 ] razumio. Nakon što je obavila formalnosti Galaleh je napustila sobu dok sam se ja spremao. Kada je ponovno ušla u sobu bilo je jasno da Galaleh ozbiljno misli, naredivši mi da ustanem i stanem uz križ kut sobe, ruke i noge su brzo okovane. Uslijedila je sesija dominacije u kojoj je Galaleh pokazao vrlo značajnu stručnost. Iako nikada nije prešla granice koje sam ja postavio, ona ih je svakako pogurala do krajnjih granica. Finale je bilo fantastično zbog čega se sve što je bilo prije isplatilo. Vrlo zadovoljavajući posjet i mlada dama koju ću sigurno ponovno posjetiti, a tada ću biti više nego sretan proširiti granice i imati Galaleh budi stroži prema meni. Toplo preporučljivo.

RUMBLERPHYLACTERY: Drago mi je vidjeti da se Galaleh opet vratio pa sam rezervirao termin. Poznati luksuzni stan, poslana poruka da uđe u zgradu, vrata se otvore i ona stoji tamo lijepa kao i obično. Fotografije Galaleh su joj što je moguće bliže među k-djevojkama koje sam vidio. Fotografije dobro zadržavaju njezine karakteristike. Vidio sam Galaleh više puta. Trebam li reći više?

nllwh: Htjela sam isprobati nekog novog, njezine su fotografije izgledale dobro, a kad sam stigla na vrata, bila sam sretna



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He's got some core adjustments to do before he's ready for a relationship and that's not your job to try to change him, otherwise you're in for some serious heartbreak. As for why he would say things like that, who knows and in some ways, does it matter? Not really if he's not ready to settle down.

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im honest lovely men just check.

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A pretty woman makes her husband look small.

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now this, is a nice ass.

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Befuddled, you don't mention if you've got his e-mail address, but I'm guessing since you and he reconnected through an on-line dating ad, he's got one. If you have it, send him a nice, brief note saying that you're excited to have been able to catch up with him after all this time, and look forward to getting together with him, then invite him to e-mail you back. It might sound like a poor way of contacting someone, but believe me, sometimes it more than does the trick, esp. when you've got stuff piled up at work and really don't want to be distracted by a phone conversation (at least this mode of communication has come in hady when I get too busy, because a letter is a refreshing break from work). At least give it a try and see how it works.

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ginger bra shaved girl.

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This man may never have had a girlfriend in his life and doesn't know exactly how to proceed. He may be a virgin and doesn't know exactly how to proceed sexually. He may have an STD and doesn't want to pass it on to you but cares about you too much to let you go.

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Well i will tell you a little info about me,i am a young lady of 30 years old yesterday,i live here in Arlington Washignton with my cousin Anthony Shawn Boman with his wife and kids and i am a finla.

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Can I make a suggestion as well as ask a question? Do you really like this woman? If so, then I suggest that you CALL her do not text. Texting is a passive form of communication, calling is direct. If you REALLY WANT TO SEE HER AGAIN that will send the message to her that this is what you intend. I have been out on many a date (OLD or otherwise but mostly OLD) where I will get a text from the man the next day and he will say something like "I had a very nice time last night thanks" and I reply "Thanks I did as well". And ... Either those two texts will be the end of it or we will text for another day or two and then one party sends the other a "good morning" text and the other never responds to it. Never ONCE have I had a man tell me via text that he wants to see me again. I have had them reject me via text, to be sure.

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these tits more my type.

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You need to talk with him. If he discounts your feelings I would say red flagola. Proceed with caution.

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Gaeta, think about this >>>. you desire a relationship so badly, while at the same time, you are so terrified of being "played" or used and then abandoned, that you either put up walls that shut the guy out (subconsciously)... or flat out dump him (prematurely)... thus sabotaging any chance of obtaining what it is you actually want! A relationship!

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