Lerchom (25), Rijeka, escort model
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Verified Lerchom (25) escort Rijeka

"Non nude picture, amateur selfie Rijeka"


Tel. number
Location: Rijeka / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 21:17
Yesterday: 13:43
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, German, Spanish, Portugese, Italian
Piercings: Navel
Tatoo: Yes
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

69, A-level extra 100, COB, Duboko grlo, FK, GFE, Masaža, OWO, Party girl, Igranje uloga, Igračke, WS Volim te usrećiti svojim slatkim i lijepim licem.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 161 cm / 5'3''
Weight: 93 kg / 205 lbs
Age: 25 yrs
Hobby: Giving blowjobs, having sex
Nationality: Latvian
Preferences: Ready nsa
Breast: Average
Lingerie: Craft
Perfumes: Jane Iredale
Orientation: Straight


Strap on
Intimate shaving Rijeka
Bare back blow job
Anal massage Rijeka
Dirty talk Rijeka
Blowjob with Condom
Tantric sex
Bi twin Rijeka
Ball Licking and Sucking
Sex Games
Cumshot on body
Blow job
Rimming Rijeka
Private Photos


Quick €40 €80
1 hour €130
Plus hour €110 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours
24 hours

Escort Lerchom reviews:

Time2try: Ona je napaljena plavuša i želim više od nje sada. Volio sam je odvesti u krevet, a ona se širila, a ja sam joj jeo macu. Popušila mi je vruće i žestoko sam je izjahao. Fino dupe, stvarno dobro za stiskanje dok sam silazio.

MONOPHONICGHOSTILY: Svidio mi se izgled ove prekrasne europske pauge pa sam je odlučio provjeriti i nisam se razočarao. Ima lijepo lice, sjajno debelo tijelo i bila je gostoljubiva i strastvena.

Snickers F.: Lerchom može govoriti. Od trenutka kad je otvorila vrata, trgnula se. Prijateljski razgovor. Želeći saznati nešto o meni, zašto sam je došao vidjeti. Sjeo sam na njezin krevet i izuo cipele i čarape, a ona me ponudila pićem, bijelim vinom ili pivom. Dala mi je pjenušavo bijelo, Cava, pretpostavljam, posluženo u velikoj čaši za rakiju. Znao sam da joj se sviđam jer mi je dala i malu bocu vode, kao dodatak. Znala je, ali ja nisam, da će mi trebati ta ledeno hladna voda do isteka sata. Nastavila je pričati pod zajedničkim tušem koji smo uzeli nekoliko minuta kasnije. Ispaljivala mi je pitanja, a ja sam izbjegavao odgovore, ali me je označila i zapečatila. Znala je zašto sam došao k njoj, kao i drugi prije mene. Mnogi koji su joj postavili isto pitanje.Zašto je bila dostupna samo na jednoj web stranici, asianXclusive Izvan tuša, osušio sam se, ostala je duže pod tušem, kao i oni, pazeći da se dodatno očisti na svojim važnim mjestima. Zavalio sam se na njezin udoban krevet dok izašla je pričajući iz kupaonice. Njezine sljedeće riječi koje mi je uputila bile su "u redu, počnimo..." i oprostite momci 'intimni detalji ostat će tajni 'Pojavila sam se kasnije na razini ulice, još uvijek znojna, čak i nakon još jednog zajedničkog tuširanja, držeći svoju malu bocu vode tako jako je izletjelo iz mog stiska i otkotrljalo se ispod obližnjeg parkiranog auta. Kojim putem do najbližeg puba....Molim vas ljudi, ponašajte se prema njoj s poštovanjem....

Justness: Vrlo otvorenog uma. Tako lijep, vruć i seksi duh i tijelo.Nije svaki dan sresti nekoga tko izgleda toliko željan udovoljiti. Znam da sam platio za nju da bude tamo, ali ponekad mi se nije činilo tako. Bilo je to mnogo više od toga i stvarno sam cijenio to što je djelovala potišteno i otvoreno za gotovo sve. Dala je nekoliko prijedloga koje ne želim ni ponavljati ovdje i zapravo joj se to svidjelo. Nisam imao primjedbi ili nešto slično, tako da je to bilo stvarno super.



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I say if you like her other then these 2 traits then deal with them for a while longer then when its more appropriate nicely being them up with out hurting her feelings.

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What did you do on the first two dates? And what were you supposed to do on the third date? The reason I ask this is that sitting and talking (while important) are only one part of what makes a relationship. So you should be having dates doing more than just talking. Anyway, no matter how smart he is he can't know everything, so find something to talk about that he is interested in and you are knowledgeable about.

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I only wish I was all you said, cammy. Sometimes the pain gets so bad that, coupled with that hormonal imbalance at that time of the month, I just get all freaked out over small stuff that would never have happened were it not for the distance. He doesn't seem to get angry, just waits it out with me... but I'm sure he gets frustrated when that happens. I'd get frustrated with myself too... unfortunately I just can't help it sometimes.

| +1 |

Very cute ... More of her please!!

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Or maybe, like me, I ran out of money, didn't get to the bank in time, so a wonderful woman agreed to pay for a spur of the moment outing understanding that I'd make it up to her.

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I am 23 now and we have been broken up for 2 years. I left him for someone else. I stared seeing my current boyfriend before I had broken up with my ex. He see's now that he was a horrible boyfriend and he always says I am 'the one that got away' he showers me with gifts and money and anything I want, his logic is that he owes me for years of heartache.

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Well i guess i'm should tell you about myself and what i'm looking for in a person. I'm an outgoing, fun loving person. I love to spend time outdoors. I know what I want out of life and have set.

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Also, the fact that he calls her after arguing with you? Hah.. I don't think I could live with that.

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Blue. B-L-U-E Blue. Now you say it. You can do it... ;).

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For me, if I watched my best friend screwing any girlfriend of mine, there would be no human way I could ever have anything to do with either again. I'd be especially upset if a girlfriend of mine seemed to be especially enjoying the encounter. So, for me, I would never let this happen in the first place.

| +1 |

about him not realising this has been read into. yes. we really should stop doing this.

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You're right - the clock still says 7:26. ;).

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F*&K.......... I hate facebook.

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When she's fit like that, the proportions don't matter.

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A cute face and a damn fine bod.

+XXXX854653. Sent you a video ▶️

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