Mercedez80 (23), Rijeka, escort sexgirl
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Swinging Mercedez80 (23) escort Rijeka

"Sultry Romanian Girl Please Rijeka"


Tel. number
Location: Rijeka / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 18:34
Yesterday: 12:46
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: English, Dutch
Piercings: Yes
Pussy: Trimmed
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

Rijeka Eskort visoke klase Agencije Afrodita Reva je senzualna dama pratnja ženstvene figure i blistavog osmijeha. Reva je elegantna i šarmantna; ona je uvijek u potrazi za avanturom. Reva može hipnotizirati svojim šarmantnim glasom i lijepim očima. [KLJUČNI DIO-2] pratnja Reva pruža usluge dolaska na poziv u svom lijepom stanu na Gloucester Roadu, kao i usluge odlaska. Dakle, ako tražite brinetu ljepoticu koja nudi niz uzbudljivih eskort usluga u Centralu Rijeka kako bi vam pomogla da zaboravite dnevne brige, Reva bi mogla biti savršen tonik. Podrijetlom iz istočne Europe, Reva ima širok raspon eskort vještina i rado bi vam bila društvo na zabavi ili vas počastila nekim od svojih erotskih talenata. Poštujte jedno drugo i volite seks.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 156 cm / 5'1''
Weight: 43 kg / 95 lbs
Age: 23 yrs
Motto: i love you miss ronicai roll wit dem pretty bxtchhs dem sexyy bxtchhs.
Nationality: Romanian
Preferences: Searching adult dating
Breast: like peaches
Eye color: grey
Perfumes: Marco Serussi
Orientation: Bisexuals


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Quick €50 €90
1 hour €140 €170 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour
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24 hours €1000

Peruvian Sofia available to hotels, motels and addresses.

Escort Mercedez80 reviews:

HAACKER33VINGLAS: Masaža mlijekom je u ovom trenutku prilično dobro ocijenjena, ali ako ste novi, to je kolonijalno mjesto. 200 na vratima i mamasan vam je dodijelila djevojku. Ovaj put sam nacrtala kiki. Kao i kod svake djevojke ovdje se vidi, jako bih preporučio. VIP čitaj dalje

Sammy B.: Obratila sam se Mercedez80 e-poštom, odradila je svoj dio posla i dogovorili smo vrijeme njezina dolaska, vrlo seksi žene i puno zabave.

Pitawas W.: Mercedez80 mi je poželio dobrodošlicu francuskim poljupcem i pomogao mi da skinem odjeću (što je uvijek vrlo ugodan način za početak puntanja) gurnuvši me na kauč kako bih skinuo hlače prije nego što ih uredno smjestim na stolici. Potom me počastila plesom u krilu tijekom kojeg sam se vrlo dobro upoznao s njezinim DD sisama dok ih je trljala gore-dolje po mom tijelu. Odveli su me do kreveta i pozvali da legnem gdje smo se duboko francuski poljubili prije [KEYPART- 1] nježno ljubeći moja prsa i trbuh. Zatim sam iskusio njezin izvanredan OWO dok je nježno počela trzati jezikom po mojim obrijanim jajima prije nego što se probila do mog tijela i konačno uzela moju dužinu u usta. Ova fantastična kombinacija stimulirajućih tehnika korištena je s velikim učinkom i dovela me do fantastičnog vrhunca. Dok sam omamljen ležao u krevetu, Mercedez80 je nakratko napustio sobu kako bi se osvježio. Ubrzo se vratila da legne pokraj mene i milovali smo jedno drugo dok me je pokušavala naučiti nešto od svog materinjeg portugalskog (borim se da naučim nove jezike u najboljim trenucima, a kamoli kad skakućem s prelijepom golom damom!) . Nakon što sam se osvijestio nakon prvog vrhunca, smatrao sam da je jedino pošteno da sam uzvratio uslugu, a ona je odgovorila na moje RO blagim stenjanjem i izvijanjem dok se činilo da doživljava vrhunac.Mercedez80 zalijepila mi kondom i obukla se top za cowgirl nakon čega slijedi doggy i lazy doggy dok sam koristio nešto od svog tek naučenog portugalskog da izrazim svoje zadovoljstvo, dok je Mercedez80 odgovorio istim jezikom nekim sumornim jezikom. Kako se sat bližio kraju Mercedez80 me još jednom dovela do još jednog senzacionalnog vrhunca sa svojim prekrasnim jezikom koji je mackao OWO. Prva brazilska dama s kojom sam ikad puntao i na temelju ovog nezaboravnog iskustva sigurno neće biti moje posljednje, delicioso!

Jaymie H.: Viđao sam je u prošlosti i uvijek sam se dobro zabavljao. Visoka je i nevjerojatna za samo pogledati. ponovit ću.



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hp = home page (ie cover girl). This one is poor, but that's ok, tomorrow is another day and you can't agree with everyone all the time.

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I quote Darth Vader: impressive.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the same person who'd inquired here about setting up hidden video cameras in your boyfriend's place? Haven't you posted other things indicating clearly that you have no trust for your boyfriend?

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Happy go lucky perso.

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Now I ask you again, WHY are you still with her???? Just because you think you love her and just because you two have some nice times together is not reason enough. Any person you date, no matter how horrible of a partner they may make, will probably offer SOME enjoyable moments together...IT DOESN'T MATTER.

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ok fork - one question before i go. i have guesses of 93lbs, 95lbs and 100lbs on this flat tummy. what woould you say?

| +1 |

twosome blonde brunette sitting brick wall goh sunglasses shades red white stripes striped bikini jeans denim shorts bracelet incredibly cute (y).

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People are really afraid of rejection and failure. It stretches out into all aspects of life. People make up excuses of why they can't do all the great things they want with there life. I TRY to live in the moment.

| +1 |

While we never acted on this, it was obvious between us, those feelings were still there. It was quite clear to both of us, had he not been with the other girl, something WOULD have happened between us. It's kind of an odd relationship being that we both had a crush on each other starting in high school, but we never went anywhere with it.

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ALL of my gf's have this saying: "Date a guy that is less hot than you are and you will have more control".

| +1 |

Very good HP, I approve :D.

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There's no 'on and off' when applying for work. If you need it, that's your focus, day in, day out.

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from a personal perspective, i have posted the worst of the worst about me on here, and the thought of someone i wanted to get involved with reading my old posts make me want to run - screaming and flailing my arms. which would prob do the trick of scaring them off before they read my past posts.

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I have 4 kids getting a divorce I enjoy camping fushing and other outdoor things. I love to laugh and have fu.


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