Nielsine (36), Rijeka, escort sexgirl
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Slender Nielsine (36) escort Rijeka

"Iam the One U Need Tonight!!! in Rijeka"


Tel. number
Location: Rijeka / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 09:45
Yesterday: 01:53
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: English, Portugese
Piercings: None
Pussy: Shaven
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

69, A-level extra 50, CIF, CIM, COB, FK, GFE, Masaža, OWO, Party girl Pijem u društvu, ali sam pušač.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 195 cm / 6'5''
Weight: 46 kg
Age: 36 yrs
Hobby: partying, relaxing with friends, crafty stuff, random adventures, and overall, just having a good time!
Nationality: Brazilian
Preferences: Wants sexual dating
Breast: Average
Lingerie: Befree
Perfumes: Boadicea the Victorious
Orientation: Straight


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I'm Conny, a year old girl. Available to fulfill your whims, my love, with a lot of desire to make you tasty things, I am Nielsine playful. Service only to hotels, motels and addresses in the communes of Cerrillos, La Cisterna, Rijeka, La Granja, Lo Espejo, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, San Miguel and San Ramón.

Escort Nielsine reviews:

Warrenm: S Nielsine bilo je lako zakazati sastanak. Nazvao sam njezin broj i javila se. 30 minuta kasnije bila je u mojoj kući. Ona izgleda bez posebnosti, ali vitke je građe što je bilo lijepo. Preporučio bih svima koji trebaju alternativu.

HOMEREGENGHIS: Kontaktirao sam Nielsine otprilike 5 dana prije njezine posjete Rijeka prije nekoliko tjedana. Provjera je bila brza i bezbolna. Komunikacija uglavnom nije bila problem, mali problem s jezikom. Govorim dovoljno španjolskog da se snađem pa nije bio problem. Nielsine je zgodna, seksi kolumbijska MILF za koju sam mislio da se pokazala iznad očekivanja. Ja sam stariji, pa smatram da su žene u kasnim tridesetim ili ranim 40-ima vrlo privlačne i seksi. Preporučuje se.

MONIQUE57FLATULENCY: Nielsine bilo je lako zakazati isključivo putem e-pošte. Svjetlosna provjera. U noći našeg sastanka dala je jednostavne upute tornju u predvorju svog stambenog kompleksa. Daje samo masažu, ali nudi lijep nuru. Ima lijepa, prirodna prsa koja je lijepo osjetiti preko leđa. Vrlo je pričljiva i donekle odvlači pažnju od same masaže. Ako tražite ugodnu masažu Nielsine je izvrsna opcija.

CHING49METAGALACTIC: Povratak na Nielsine, vidio sam je prošle godine. Odlučio sam se vratiti i ponovno posjetiti nakon što sam na web stranici MN vidio da ima dva nova dodatka, bio sam zaintrigiran.Rezervirano unaprijed, stiglo u sobu, ravno pod tušem, papirologija ostavljena sa strane. Nielsine je ušla u sobu sa svojim ljupkim novim poboljšanim poprsjem, pozdravila me i zatim me izmasirala laganom masažom, što je završilo ljupkim igrom na mojoj guzici uz ljupki DKF. Zatim mi je dala vrlo živahan OWO. Zatim sam je pitao mogu li je pojebati u misionarskom položaju i bila je jako zadovoljna time. Pokrio sam se i ušao u nju, ušao sam jako duboko u nju stojeći na rubu kreveta sa svojim kurcem u njoj, imam malo veći kurac od prosjeka, ali ona je to mogla primiti s entuzijazmom, a ja sam provjerio da nisam povrijedivši je. Provjerio sam da je OWO to CIM na jelovniku i bio sam zadovoljan što je rekla da jest, isporučila je divan BJ i nije prošlo mnogo vremena prije nego što sam maznuo u njezina slatka usta. Zatim smo se međusobno drkali, ona ima mali vibrator i uživao sam gledajući je dok se ljubila, mazila i sisala te dobro poboljšane sise, a zatim je ubrzo doživjela vrhunac. Ugodan razgovor i pospremanje i krenuo sam. Nielsine ima lijep način o njoj i vrlo je lako razgovarati s njom. Hvala vam na odličnom puntu, vratit ću se.



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I've been seeing this guy for about 2 years now..He goes weeks with giving me so much attention..and then goes a week in his cave. During the cave time, he acts as though i do not exist..When i ask him what is wrong, he makes it sound as though it is in my head. He has already gone into his cave about 5 times. I just leave him alone now and he comes back to me on his own, but frankly, in the time he needs his space, i feel so angry and upset and i have thoughts of wanting to break up with him. I respect his need for space, but he wont be honest about it. When he does come back, i don't really give him the attention he wants because i feel resentful. But he won't give me space. If i dont respond to his messages within a few hours, he panics and starts blowing up my phone. He even calls me from private numbers to make sure i answer. He gets obsessive then. He even passes my house to see where i am..

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I apologize for the lengthy post, but if you would read on you'd see that she's completely changing her life just to be closer to me. Doing so will likely set her back in her degree program and require her to make pretty big sacrifices. There's no doubt in my mind that she wants this relationship to last. The Facebook posts were ill conceived and I still don't understand why she posted them, I'm no psychologist.

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Its not salvagable, she committed emotional murder.

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Every now and then you randomly come across perfection.

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#6 Sounds like he is re-evaluating the relationship (IE: "he was just having a think about us").

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So for the time being, everything can go great and seem like it's "perfect", like you're back in your teens again. But if this guy is anything goes, do you think he truly takes this seriously at this point or is he just acting like wild fire? is this a personality trait or a true emotion?

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Oh what a great first picture.... (y).

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Old thread....the OP hasn't responded.

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Rely on what you already know is reasonable, and implement what you learn is reasonable, as you go through this.

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and you'll be fine. Also, this?

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I dont know from where to start, all the previous reviews you are viewing for breanna on this page are 1000% real facts and more!! I swear to god this goddess is on a way other level, she has rocked my world and made me feel so special i couldnt resist but to visit her more and more. Do not waste time with all the escorts she is definitely the definition of Massage Republic. I just visited her yesterday and i have had the sex of my life❤ Highly clean, sex drive is above natural, its worth the price you will pay trust me. Thanks baby bre.

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I'm nice, honest, shy person. looking for a date, get to know each other then go from ther.

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Sounds like he doesn't have time for a relationship, or is not interested in making it a priority in his life, or he's juggling others in his dating life and is not interested in spending a lot of time on one person right now. You obviously want more than he is able or willing to provide, so I suggest you not expect anything from him, and keep looking for others to date.


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