Tauhimaiteha (35), Rijeka, escort girl     Call

Brown-haired Tauhimaiteha (35) escort Rijeka

"Kate'S Playground Sex in Rijeka"


Tel. number
Location: Rijeka / Croatia
Last seen: 3 days ago in 13:24
1 day ago: 22:28
Incall/Outcall: Outcall
Foreign languages: English
Piercings: None
Tatoo: Yes
Parking: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes
Duo service: Ramona Luiza escort

About Me

Njezina nježna i koketna priroda ovo je jedan vrlo vrući paket. Ne čitajte knjige osim časopisa.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 181 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Age: 35 yrs
Hobby: snowboarding, concerts, pot
Nationality: Ukrainian
Preferences: I seeking vip sex
Breast: Super Nice
Eye color: blue
Perfumes: Galerie Noemie
Orientation: Straight


Blowjob without Condom
Light bondage sex Rijeka
Golden Shower
Prostate Massage Rijeka
Strap on
Whirlpool Rijeka
Cumshot on body
Bare back blow job
Erotic sensual massage
Social escort
Slave sex Rijeka
Cum on body
Brazilian sex
Double Penetration


Quick €30 €80
1 hour €100 €180 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour
12 hours
24 hours €1300

Escort Tauhimaiteha reviews:

CHICHISSCHUSTER: Ona je vrlo oprezna i pomalo plaha, ali cool djevojka nakon što se raskomoti i isplatilo se.

Hallstatt H.: Dan ranije sam je kontaktirao e-poštom s prijedlogom rasporeda i preporukama. Odmah je odgovorila kako bi potvrdila vrijeme i poslala mi lokaciju sljedećeg jutra. Odsjela je u vrlo lijepom hotelu blizu centra Theatre Districta. Došao sam nekoliko minuta prije dogovorenog vremena i nakon kratkog čekanja poslala mi je broj sobe. Kad sam stigao do njezine sobe, otkrio sam vrlo lijepu, seksi viziju s prekrasnim osmijehom i opuštenim manirama. Sjeli smo na rub kreveta da popričamo i, nakon samo nekoliko minuta, ona se nagnula da me pomiluje po nogama i započne vruću DFK sesiju. Kakav sjajan početak!

PREDRAG51OOLITIC: Posebno sam otišao vidjeti Tauhimaiteha, na temelju drugih FR-ova, i nisam bio razočaran. Tauhimaiteha rekla je da ne voli detaljne FR-ove, pa s poštovanjem prema njoj, dopustite mi samo reći senzualnu masažu, odličan BBBJ i niz drugih trikova koji su mi osigurali jedan od najintenzivnijih orgazama koje sam doživio. dugo vremena. Ovo je vrlo napaljena mlada dama i sigurno ću se vratiti.

MYRIAM52PATO: Nikada nisam volio istočnoindijske deserte dok nisam upoznao Tauhimaiteha. Ona je slatka, sočna i potpuno slatka. Mala ljepotica café au lait sa slatkim tijelom i drskom duhovitošću. Ako se čini da se usredotočujem na deskriptore hrane, to je zato što je ona tako jestiva. Održavao sam zabavan dijalog s Tauhimaiteha na društvenim medijima i unatoč jednom otkazivanju izvan naše kontrole, bilo je vrlo lako dogovoriti našu sesiju. Sastali smo se u hotelu u blizini zračne luke u Torontu i došao sam u njezin apartman. Kad je otvorila vrata, iznenadio me tijesan paketić odjeven u crni gornji i donji dio na naramenice s ogrtačem od filma.Duga svilenkasta crna kosa uokvirivala je njezino ljupko lice. Ponijela sam malu poklon vrećicu i Tauhimaiteha je s velikim zadovoljstvom otvarala svaki predmet. Njezini su mi osmijesi govorili da joj se sviđa ono što sam donio, a njezini poljupci obećavali su zabavu koja slijedi. Otišla sam pod tuš i kad sam se vratila, bacili smo se na posao. VIP osobe čitajte dalje za detalje.



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undestanding and handsome genlema.

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Looking for a serious relationship have lots to offe.

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I don't like that approach. Saying "me neither" is disingenuous and counterproductive to the whole exercise. The point is for him to know that you like him. With this approach, he may not be willing to share his feelings right away, worried he'd ruin things. It would be better, even if he said "no" to just say, "ok, just wondering" or something. Then, if he asked you the same thing you just act a little shy, maybe blush and try to change the subject.

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righty! very much so righty! so tight!

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Relationships should be the best in the beginning...it's like building a house, you don't build the house on a lop-sided foundation and then try to fix it later, you don't just simply lift everything up and fix the bottom layer that the house sits on..and these are things you will learn.

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That's about as bad as it gets.

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My first bf ever was on the smaller side (probably smaller than what you describe), and he also had learned to make up for it in other ways.

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beautiful perfect tits.

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During June 2001- December 2001.

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Yeah and she is free to do the same online if she wants, she doesn't have to click "like" and proclaim to the world about it.

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It's like walking in a minefield. So instead of walking in this minefield, I just make my moves around it. When I met her for the first time some years ago, when we both had our relationships, I told her "If I was meeting you and didn't know that you are my first cousin I would make a move on you" (like a push-pull). She said "Okay". I was driving so I didn't see if she was smiling or not. Do you think that she still remembers that?

Hey! Today with a girlfriend alone, looking for sex adventures! 🍓

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