Gerd Berith (35), Sisak, escort girl
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Buxomy Gerd Berith (35) escort Sisak

"Slender Moldovan Absolutely Free Sex Site in Sisak"


Tel. number
Location: Sisak / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 07:33
Today: 00:12
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Foreign languages: English, Latvian
Piercings: Breasts
Pussy: Shaved mostly
Safe apartment: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes
Duo service: Guanyi escort

About Me

Bok ljudi,🐓Ja sam Gerd Berith24 godine star, zgodan, ddf tražim ševu. Živim sam u svojoj kući. Možete doći kod mene kući ili gdje god želite. Ja sam Gerd Berith spremna za zabavu i diskretan seks s mladim ili starijim muškarcem. Ja sam Gerd Berith Za pravi i otvoreni seks za opuštanje. Ako ste zainteresirani, samo mi pošaljite poruku: (850)203-5047 ne možete poželjeti više

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 136 cm / 4'6''
Weight: 57 kg
Age: 35 yrs
Nationality: Moldovan
Preferences: I'm looking men
Breast: Lagre (C)
Lingerie: LC Waikiki
Perfumes: Aubade
Orientation: Straight


Cum in Mouth Sisak
Submissive sex
Full oil massage Sisak
Bondage sex
Multiple sex positions
Role Play Sisak
Bi twin
Quickie sex
Cum on body Sisak
Bondage Sisak
Light bondage sex
Deep Throat Sisak
Sex toys
Erotic sensual massage


Quick €50
1 hour €100 €170 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €80 €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours
24 hours €1200

👅💦🥵Hello my loves, my name is Gerd Berith 👅💦🥵 I am Gerd Berith a delicious and hot escort with whom you are going to enjoy like never before, I assure you that we will enjoy ourselves to the fullest together, let's enjoy ourselves like never before in bed. 🥵😈 I look forward to giving you a complete service, my whole body, my little pussy and my naughty and crazy tongue that wants to give you pleasure in that rich place in your body. 👅💦🥵Enjoy complete sex, 🥵 and we will make love so delicious that you will end up in it or end up with a delicious oral, what a delicious Moldovan my love, if you like traditional my love, I am also Gerd Berith a great option .🥵😈.

Escort Gerd Berith reviews:

HAWKIEHACEK: Bio sam jako primamljen njezinim oglasima i recenzijama pa sam, kad sam imao otvorenu subotu (ona je domaćin samo svake druge subote) koja se poklapala s njezinim rasporedom, posegnuo puno unaprijed da zakažem vrijeme. Radio sam nekoliko MFM-ova prije, ali odlučio sam se za solo sesiju s Gerd Berith i sačuvao potencijalnu umiješanost njezine pitomice za budući posjet. Izvrsna komunikacija i otvoreni dijalog kako bi se osiguralo da sve ide prema planu/želji. Sažeo bih rekavši da bih ponovio, ali to je netočno jer sam već ponovio i uskoro ću opet biti na njezinom rasporedu.

Photosynthetic: Kontaktirani putem P411 radi dogovora za sljedeći dan. Potvrđen termin putem SMS-a u roku od 3 sata. Provjera na P411 već je bila dovršena. Poslana mi je poruka 1,5 sat prije datuma za potvrdu. Potvrdio sam, dobio sam adresu. Otišao je u hotel, dobio broj sobe u roku od 5 minuta. Sve vrlo jednostavno, vrlo profesionalno putem njezinog planera. Popeo sam se i vrata su se otvorila. Dočekala me žena na slikama odjevena u haljinu od leopardove kože s čudesnim LFK-om što je gotovo odmah dovelo do DFK-a. Ova žena je lijepa. Uistinu je puno privlačnija od svojih slika. Vjerojatno je bliža 35 nego 30, ali s tijelom 21-godišnjakinje. Njene sise idu danima!! Ali uistinu su njezine bradavice zvijezda. Velike su i osjetljive sa savršenim Areolama veličine 1/2 dolara. Engleski je minimalan, ali se trudi. Govornici španjolskog jezika ovdje imaju prednost. Ostavio sam joj donaciju i otišao pod tuš. VIP osobe čitajte dalje, ne VIP osobe preporučujem i vratit ću se!!

ROTCEPSFALKNER: Vidio sam Crystal prvi put prije otprilike mjesec dana i od tada sam se vraćao svaki tjedan, i dvaput prvi tjedan! lol. Ovo je prava vrijednost i ima izgled i osobnost koji idu uz to.Pravi GFE i sada moj ATF. Nemojte zajebavati ovu, ljudi, ona je apsolutno savršena i toplo je preporučujem. V.I.P članovi čitajte dalje.

Ceps: Orijentalna Jessica mi je zarobila srce jer je stvarno zamišljena, kao prava cura.. Ova Azijatkinja je djevojka koja stvarno uživa u seksu i ima ubojit pogled! Ima nevjerojatno zategnuto tijelo i prekrasno lice. Znam da je prošla godina dana od našeg susreta ali mislim na nju i zovem opet kad situacija dopusti.. Hvala ti na nezaboravnom iskustvu zavoljela sam te.



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I like to hunt,fish,camp,etc. I'll try anything onc.

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Now you've only given this one example of your lady getting mad when you want to do something by yourself. If this is the only time, I am on her side.

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I believe in love and my ability to love, but I have such little faith in finding someone who shares my values in this time and age. I like the slow burning kind, and no one is patient enough to even get there anymore.

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I'm sorry, did you say that he has never been tested?!?! If that is the case and he has a cold sore (which is an STD) then I wouldn't touch him until he gets the results.

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Literally perfect frame.

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or equally as likely, she didn't break up with the ex at all, you were just a potential cheat target.

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Try not to let this upset you. You also don't really "know" this girl too well. She may/may not be seeing someone, but her actions are completely different than her words. That's a red flag.

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Though a question, have you came across such a man?

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The lesson here is this: No matter if you're a man or a woman, don't go out and play with the feelings of others, and be honest and up front about having a significant other. No one likes a tease.

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Yes, I know. I've been tiling a bathroom lately and sweat so much my hat is completely wet and the sweat leaves splotches all over the floor and my glasses. Trust me, I know. Sex is a lot more vigorous than laying tile.

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VERY nice body although she is a bit of a butterface.

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The one on the right is hot!

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Working in Yokosuka, Japan on the Naval base part time, five months out of the year. When I am home I devide my time between New Hampsire and Zepherhills, FL Wish to end my career in 2019 and move.

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What did you do on the first two dates? And what were you supposed to do on the third date? The reason I ask this is that sitting and talking (while important) are only one part of what makes a relationship. So you should be having dates doing more than just talking. Anyway, no matter how smart he is he can't know everything, so find something to talk about that he is interested in and you are knowledgeable about.

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Anyway now I see her holding hands with some schmuck at the end of the day, when he picks her up. Looks like she found herself a new guy.

Hey! Today with a girlfriend alone, looking for sex adventures! 🍓

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