Mune (31), Slavonski Brod, escort sexgirl
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Passionate Mune (31) escort Slavonski Brod

"Oral Calculus Slavonski Brod"


Tel. number
Location: Slavonski Brod / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 17:49
1 day ago: 02:03
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: English, Turkish
Piercings: None
Tatoo: A Few
Parking: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes
Duo service: Helli Elina escort

About Me

Pozdrav gospodo,

ja sam Mune, godina stara šarmantna poljska ljepotica s velikim smeđim očima,
dugom kosom i savršeno prirodno zategnutom tijelo sa svim oblinama
u pravu su strasti divlje i moja mašta beskrajna.
Dobro sam putovao i uživam u inteligentnim razgovorima, ali u isto vrijeme
Zabavan sam, flertujem i zabavno mi je provoditi vrijeme. Specijalizirao sam se za polagano zavođenje
i krajnje zadovoljstvo i jesam uvjeren da ćeš postati ovisan o provođenju vremena
sa mnom nakon što se upoznamo. Mogu vas posjetiti u hotelu.
Dođite i prepustite se krajnjem blaženstvu sa mnom i dopustite mi da budem vaš bijeg !!! Radim većinu vremena, ali ima vremena za r & r.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 191 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Age: 31 yrs
Motto: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
Nationality: Ukrainian
Preferences: I'm want men
Breast: Super Nice
Lingerie: Befree
Perfumes: Sofia Balestra
Orientation: Straight


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Golden Shower
Social escort Slavonski Brod


Quick €30
1 hour €130
Plus hour €60
12 hours
24 hours €1300

Hi, my name is Mune. I'm Mune a Ukrainian girl who's recently arrived. I'm years old. I'm Mune a nice, attractive, fun, talkative escort girl. My services consist of anal, vaginal, oral, mutual oral, oral without a condom, . Real Ukrainian, Ukrainian, kisses, real caresses, I treat boyfriends, I also have content such as a photo and video pack, video calls, erotic chat, I have my own place, as well as do homes, do not hesitate to contact me, we will have an incredible time.

Escort Mune reviews:

MYHILLNITSIRK: vrlo opuštajuće i kao što se reklamira. Bez loših iznenađenja.

Benjamin2405: Odlučio sam poslati poruku Muneh nakon što sam pogledao njezin profil, kad sam ga vidio, prestao sam pregledavati i odmah joj poslao poruku. Brzo je odgovorila, a ja sam dao potrebne reference, nakon provjere dogovorili smo vrijeme i sastali se. Stan joj je uredan, čist i u dobrom susjedstvu. Razgovarala je sa mnom telefonom dok sam dolazio da probijem led, bilo je jako lijepo, u najmanju ruku je šarmantna. Po dolasku dobio sam broj njezina stana, a na vratima me dočekala zapanjujuća, ljubazna i otvorena mlada žena s osmijehom koji je mogao otopiti santu leda. Razmijenili smo ljubaznosti i ponudila mi je sve što je mogla. Dala je sve od sebe da se osjećam opušteno i dobrodošlo. Ona je izuzetna. VIP čitajte dalje...

Blackstone F.: Svjetlo prikazuje fantastično tijelo i nevjerojatne vještine.

STIFLINGSKEN: Vidio sam nekoliko recenzija i morao sam je vidjeti. Pristala je doći na moje pozivno mjesto. Ona je super slatka djevojka i preporučam je. VIP osobe čitajte dalje...



| +1 |

He says he would like to have a two year engagement and I tell him this would be perfect so we could get married in two years after we finish college and get jobs but he still pushes it out of sight.

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I'd only do it if that person worked in another department, on another floor.

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I know people in America like to think they don't practice polygamy but they do with all the babies daddies and babies momma running around.

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A girl I liked a lot once did this to me too.. Except it was at a restaurant. I was sitting with my buddy at a high top having a drink and I was facing the door. She walks in, makes eye contact with me for like 2 seconds, runs straight to the bathroom with her friend. 2 minutes later my phone buzzes.. I have a text... "Are you at Chill Winston?" I reply... "Ya... You just saw me.".

| +1 |

Is this becoming a thing now? Did I miss something in the past week or few years? When did agreeing to be exclusive become "not together"?

| +1 |

BTDT, you have my respect for knowing yourself well enough that you're not going to enter this, willy-nilly. I lose all respect for people who go into it with blinders, leaving road kill behind them.

| +1 |

One of the hottest butts on this site.

| +1 |

funny choice of shoes, don't seem to go with the dress.

| +1 |

Absolute JB Perfection! Fuckyeah!

| +1 |

Stop snooping. Evaluate whether he makes you feel special and loved.

| +1 |

Originally Posted by SevenCity.

| +1 |

braces blue bow cellphone.

| +1 |

It's a pretty sad site, but that's the reality.

| +1 |

I think I see someone in the tree outside her window!!!

| +1 |

Do you not have much luck with the ladies or something? You've never had another person give you flirty attention while in a relationship? You take the damn compliment and then brush it off.

+XXXX854653. Sent you a video ▶️

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