Thadchanok (27), Slavonski Brod, escort sexgirl
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Nymphomaniac Thadchanok (27) escort Slavonski Brod

"Chubby Czech Ready To Please. Slavonski Brod"


Tel. number
Location: Slavonski Brod / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 06:36
Yesterday: 18:30
Incall/Outcall: Outcall
Foreign languages: English
Piercings: Yes
Tatoo: A Few
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

Tengo 24 anos.
Trabajo 24H, primera vez en estare pocos dias, ven a disfrutar de mis servicios.
Soy muy cachonda de cuerpo natural y escultural adicta al sexo mas morboso y alegre que puedes encontrar.
Hago todas las fantasias con maximo vici, especial gargunta profunda, masaje, griego en todas las posturas y apretadito, frances natural hasta el final, fiestas, acompanamiento, cenas veladas salidas y desplazamiento a hoteles y domicilios

Bok, ja diana radim sve usluge.
Ja sam godine. Radim 24 sata dnevno, prvi put na ibizi bit će nekoliko dana, dođite i uživajte u mojim uslugama. Ostvarujem sve fantazije s maksimalnom vici, posebno duboku garguntu, masažu, grčki u svim položajima, prirodni francuski, zabave, pratnju, večernje večere i putovanja u hotele i domove. Bok ako se želiš zabaviti, razgovarajmo.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 190 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Age: 27 yrs
Motto: there's many fish in the sea, but just one for me!!
Nationality: Czech
Preferences: I'm seeking teen fuck
Breast: Big tits
Lingerie: Under Armour
Perfumes: Lilly de Reve
Orientation: Straight


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Escort Thadchanok reviews:

Daniel095: Komunikacija je bila brza i moj je termin dogovoren bez problema. Stigao sam u zgradu nekoliko minuta prije zakazanog vremena i upali su me. Upravitelj me pustio unutra i izuo mi cipele. Odvela me u spavaću sobu i rekla mi da će Thadchanok biti odmah tamo kad je otišla. Vidio sam nekoliko djevojaka preko ove agencije, ali Thadchanok mi je daleko najdraži pružatelj usluge iz ove grupe. Ona najbolje govori engleski i najatraktivnija je, po mom mišljenju. Ima zaobljeno i atletsko tijelo za azijsku djevojku, ali je još uvijek mršava. Ponavljat ću s njom često.

GONERIL42BLOCKADE: Ovakva lijepa i napaljena cura uvijek će biti dobrodošla u moj krevet. Došla je u moju hotelsku sobu izgledajući vrlo seksi u kratkoj suknji i topiću, i dobro smo se slagali, jer je bila zabavna i koketna i ubrzo je samo skinula gornji dio, a ja sam igrao njezine lijepe sise dok mi je vadila kurac. Sjeli smo u 69 na krevetu, a kad sam joj gurnuo prst u guzicu, učinila je isto meni. Volite ženu koja je voljna biti zločesta, a igra na stražnjim vratima samo se nastavila kako smo išli dalje. Nevjerojatno seksi i razigrana beba.

Wena: Ne mogu otkriti previše informacija, ali kakva žena! Natjerao me da radim stvari za koje nikad ne bih pomislio da mogu.

SydMale33: Mislim da trebam imati još jednu sesiju s Thadchanok jer nismo baš kliknuli, ali mislim da je to moja greška ... Bio sam loše raspoložen, nije to ništa što je ona učinila. Thadchanok je atraktivna žena srednjih 50-ih godina koja nudi tantru po razumnijoj cijeni nego što se inače reklamira. Ona iskreno želi da se njezini klijenti osjećaju sjajno i ispunjava ono što obećava u svojim oglasima.



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Friends for friendship, dating or relationshi.

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I guess the whole honeymoon phase of dating is coming to an end and it's getting more "real." He said he felt bad about bringing it up because he knew it upset me and I had a right to be happy about the raise. Maybe that will be th end of it. Only time will tell, I guess.

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im literally speechless.

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shes (21 years old) been out of her LTR (5 years) for about 4 months, shes was the dumpee.

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I am a never married single guy who is looking for life-time partner for marriage. Let us start a family. I am a christian and God is my first priority and I hope you are to.

| +1 |

rightys ass is to nice.

| +1 |

its quite frustrating. but sometimes when i take my time and im paying attention i can right click and view in seperate tab.

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What I would be more concerned about, frankly, is your friend. What was her motive in going along with this? Is she attracted to you? Or to your boyfriend? How are you going to feel the next time you see her? How are you going to feel the next time you see her when you're with your boyfriend? How would you feel if you encountered the two of them chatting on the street?

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Honestly I'm not trying to lead her on. I'm sorry if it appears like it. I'm not honestly sure what I want and that's why I have been kinda cold towards her.

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I agree! lol. I think a guy texting all the time instead of calling is just keeping you on hold until he needs you. When you are really into someone you want to hear their voice.

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ginger redhead longhair fluo neon pink lace skin-tight shorts denim jeans sleeveless vest leaning against wall dirt dirty beach? outside outdoors smile teeth headtilt pearl earring lipgloss eyeliner zoom.

| +1 |

Did it take you over a year to fall in love with him?

Mary (22yo) sent you a video ▶️

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