Schirin (25), Split, escort sexgirl     Call

High Schirin (25) escort Split

"Erotic Australian Pretty And Sexy Girl in Split"


Tel. number
Location: Split / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 21:27
1 day ago: 15:30
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, Portugese, Italian
Piercings: Face
Pussy: Shaven
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

Ako sanjate ženu s oblinama kao svoju djevojku; onda imamo Emmu za vas. Ona je prirodna brineta s punim oblinama, lijepim grudima i dobrom visinom. Ona je također inteligentna i može razgovarati s vama o bilo kojoj temi. Ona je savršena pratnja za poslovne konferencije, službene sastanke jer svojom osobnošću može impresionirati svakoga. Kasnije možete uživati ​​u njenoj ljepoti u krevetu. Nazovite nas Split Pratnja Ragbi liga za gledanje i igranje.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 182 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Age: 25 yrs
Motto: life's a bitchoh well...shit happens..lolI want something good to die for to make it beautiful to live. --Queens of the Stone AgeIt is what it is
Nationality: Australian
Preferences: I looking private sex
Breast: Super Nice
Lingerie: Love and Bra
Perfumes: Le Parfumeur
Orientation: Bisexuals


Sexy lingerie
Role play
Foot Fetish
Gagging Split
Deep throat Split
Role Play Split
Shower service Split
Sensual Massage Split
Handjob Split
Private Photos
Golden Shower
Ball Licking and Sucking


Quick €40
1 hour €100
Plus hour €50 €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €600
24 hours

Respect time, love. Available now, very rich Australian escort girl, very rich in bed, love. Come, we'll have an amazing time.

Escort Schirin reviews:

Boleh: Upoznao Nikki u njenom hotelu. Odlučili smo napraviti sastanak automobilom. Ona je točna, čista, draga i otvorena. Ona dopušta gotovo sve (bez pokrića) sve dok ste puni poštovanja i kažete joj da ste čisti. Vrijedi više nego što traži. Može ponoviti.

Creamers R.: Prvo sam posjetio Schirin prije godinu dana kada je bila smještena bliže mjestu gdje živim i od tada sam je vidio više puta. Schirin ne govori baš engleski i često se okreće svom računalu kako bi koristila google prevoditelj - vrlo je simpatična u tome. Imali smo snažnu vezu kroz univerzalni jezik ljubavi. Veselo ponašanje - odličan OWO i entuzijastičan seks. Međutim, Schirin više ne radi DFK. Ona se zove Miss Love Schirin. Toplo preporučujem - prava vrijednost po njezinoj cijeni.

NANICELUTZ: Već sam jednom vidio Schirin i pomislio da ću ga ponovno posjetiti. Isti sustav 2 ili 3 poziva. Idi na adresu i ona će te prozvoniti. Schirin je stvarno sladak, i sve je poslovno, ali jako pazi da ugodi tijekom vašeg zajedničkog vremena. Ponovit će se...

Fridayc: Pitao sam "To je za sat vremena, zar ne" i zapanjujuće je rekla: "Ne! Jeste, ali ako želiš ples u krilu, to je drugo!" Fotografija je bila nešto drugo. Soba je bila premala za pravi ples u krilu, ali uz prijateljevu glazbu, puštenu preko mobitela, svejedno je bilo zabavno! Schirin ne voli misionare, ali inače mi je dala vrlo lijep OWO boje vanilije nakon kojeg je uslijedio entuzijastični kauboj. Ugodan susret, a bila je nevjerojatno strpljiva tijekom tri ili četiri poziva dok me vodila do svojih vrata.



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How do I start? I love getting to know people and understanding what makes them tick. :-). I moved to Lubbock last year and am looking for people that think that the 'best times of their lives are.

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We know this because we have been thru it and seen too many threads and walked thru them day n night with the posters trying to help them.

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nice smile, a photo to recycle rather than to throw away.

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wow, this young woman is incredibly beautiful.

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Just Seein what's out ther.

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Don't let what a man says or does make you feel bad about yourself. Love yourself flaws and all. It's ok if you have flaws that you want to change about yourself. But you have to accept that today they are here along with any flaws you can't change or don't want to change. Your great. Not better than anyone but you are great dagnabit! Any man that doesn't agree, then agree to disagree, and send them on their merry way and focus on men who do agree. Good luck!

| +1 |

It does not matter if the guy is Greek or Martian we are usually in pursuit of something, alright!

| +1 |

Can you talk to someone close to you. Don't beat yourself up. You could be in a state of disbelief or shock. Take care. Now is the time to take care of yourself the most.

| +1 |

Even her footprints look pretty se.xy.

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Looking for some summer fun and someone to share it wit.

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wow..too bad the pic quality sux.

| +1 |

Hi. add me on snapchat-nimeshfernand.

+XXXX854653. Sent you a video ▶️

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