Chrysana (33), Varaždin, escort sexgirl     Call

Sexy Chrysana (33) escort Varaždin

"Figured Russian Girls Numbers That Want To Sext in Varaždin"


Tel. number
Location: Varaždin / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 03:26
Yesterday: 09:48
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: English, German
Piercings: Breasts
Tatoo: Many
Shower available: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

Natasha je prekrasna plavuša sjajne tjelesne građe i istinske strasti da pruži najbolju moguću uslugu. Prirodno vrlo lijepa, ima super sladak osmijeh, prekrasne velike smeđe oči i bujne plave pramenove. U izvrsnoj formi sa atletskim tijelom, ima zaobljenu latinoameričku figuru, sa sjajnim grudima i nevjerojatnom stražnjicom. Ovdje sam zbog dobrog provoda, ne dugo.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 188 cm
Weight: 48 kg / 106 lbs
Age: 33 yrs
Motto: Before you echo Amen, Remember a Child is Listening. From the Movie A Prayer for Bobbylife is all about up and dawnis what it is
Nationality: Russian
Preferences: I'm looking people to fuck
Breast: you will like my boobs
Eye color: blue
Perfumes: Kristel Saint Martin
Orientation: Bisexuals


Bare back blow job
Strip tease Varaždin
Oral Sex
Sexy shower
Fisting Varaždin
Doggy style
Anal play
69 Position
Blow job
Sexy lingerie Varaždin
Light spanking Varaždin


Quick €50
1 hour €110 €160 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €110 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours
24 hours €1400

Escort Chrysana reviews:

Chooks98: Ako njezini jauci nisu bili stvarni, onda zaslužuje Oscara. Kako seksi mlada cura. Ono što vidite u jednom od onih glamuroznih časopisa za koje ne mislite da ćete ih ikada upoznati, a kamoli upoznati, u stvarnom životu. Ali eto me, bio sam u hotelskoj sobi s tom prekrasnom ženom koja me vrlo lijepo zamolila kad bih mogao uzeti njezin kaput, i kad sam rekao da i ona ga je skinula, mogao sam je vidjeti u ovoj nevjerojatnoj mješavini čarapa i donjeg rublja koja me je smiješno zagrijala. Ipak sam uspio razgovarati s njom (a bila je vrlo prijateljski i zabavno, čak i ako je to bio samo mali razgovor), ali nije prošlo dugo prije nego što se nagnula blizu mene i šapnula mi seksi stvar na uho, a zatim me poljubila, i ubrzo smo trčale rukama jedni preko drugih.Uspio sam prilično prijeći rukama preko njezine uglavnom gole kože, ali rekla je da me želi vidjeti, cijeloga, i počela mi vući hlače. Ubrzo smo skinuli odjeću i samo se valjali po krevetu , previše obuzet požudom da bih išta rekao. Na kraju je rekla da mi želi pružiti zadovoljstvo, i je li ikada. Prvo svojim ustima, a onda me zajahala kao da sam šund. Ako njezini jauci nisu bili stvarni, onda zaslužuje Oscara. Sve je bilo sjajno. Definitivno ću ponovno rezervirati još jedan termin s njom vrlo brzo. Svakako vrlo posebna žena.

CORRADO56THELMA: Poznajem Chrysana već neko vrijeme i uvijek bih je pokušao vidjeti kada je u sjevernom Jerseyu. Razvili smo vezu i ona čini naš sastanak vrlo ugodnim i seksi.

Proles: Ovo je stvarno ljupka djevojka, ona je seksi i vrlo slatka, kao i izvrsno čista i dotjerana. Kad je stigla, imali smo mali razgovor nakon čega se pojavila u prekrasnom donjem rublju i (kao što sam tražio) dugo bez žurbe OWO koji me natjerao osjećati se prekrasno, mekano, nježno i super napaljeno sa 69 koji je napravljen u raju za mace.masaža vješto obavljena i cijeli uzdah!

MASKINGPARALOGY: Vrlo seksi i vrlo ljubazna djevojka koja se fokusirala samo na to da mi pruži najtoplije iskustvo ikad. Okruženje na poslu je jako stresno i mislila sam da ću jako brzo poludjeti ako ne potražim rješenje, nekoga s kim ću popričati i zajebavati se jer to dvoje mi je najbolje. Našao sam Lilly koja je nevjerojatna pratnja, vrlo prijateljska i nevjerojatna u krevetu. Lilly je sigurno jedna od najboljih s kojima sam bio, vrlo je iskusna i uživa u svom poslu. Već sam dogovorio da je ponovno vidim za nekoliko dana.



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spontaneous and enjoys trave.

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First of all, I never believed and still don't believe in cohabitating before marriage because well, I don't want to live in sin(thank my catholic upbringing for that). But I am a cafetaria catholic like most and I tend to pick and choose which rules to abide by and which ones to conveniently ignore.

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Damn, more pics with lefty would be awesome.

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We went out twice...I'm old school, don't do hookups and like a gentleman. He was those things, text immediately after our dates, we saw each other twice in one week. Each time he asked me out.

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if lefty gave half of hers to righty she would still be stacked.

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I don't know. He (Dane) was also pretty drunk too...he was obviously just thinking with his penis....(nothing unusual for a teen boy).

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yes those look real.

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I met a friend on Tinder, he's a good guy. Really. But we kind of knew each other already through mutual circles. Others that I have met are all mouth breathers. I have heard the tales of how it's a hook up app, and if that's what's going on or that's what you're into, so be it. I for one swiped left on those who say in their profile that they are looking for sex, are looking to cheat on their wife / gf, or looking for another partner to include in the fold of their otherwise happy relationship (threesome, poly, etc.). Just not my thing.

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t6 longhair cami thumbs.

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Sometimes, in advance of a date if I tell him I'd like to talk about something about us that's bothering me he just says 'aw don't ruin another date please. Just tell me here.' (during a texting discussion). This led to an argument where I told him I find his attitude towards serious discussions immature, to which he responded that he finds the topics I want to discuss immature where I could be talking about things like goals and aspirations for the future. I do talk about these and have asked him about his goals and aspirations so many times, but I also want him to be my confidante when I have problems on my chest, especially because I dont have that many people to talk to besides him. Most of our 'serious discussions' are via text, this is the place I can get him to listen to me and open up and he does put in time for it even if it means sleeping late because he cares a lot. He just finds it too awkward in person.

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A brief blurb.. I have dogs, kids (not at home) and curiosities What's out there on this island anyway? :P I enjoy the outdoors. I'm bi (newbie) Looking for friendship and go from ther.

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It absolutely boils down to trust, but a guy's respect gets factored in. Once again, we don't see eye to eye on this. To me, there are limited circumstances where a decent guy can go to a strip club. In these circumstances, a girl should not feel threatened unless she has trust issues. To you, it seems that even if the thought of going to a strip club crosses his mind, then by default he is a cheater and a dirtbag.

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fish head but shes hot.

Hey! Today with a girlfriend alone, looking for sex adventures! 🍓

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