Aoko (29), Zadar, escort girl     Call

Aoko (29) escort Zadar

"How take funny Sexy Shot Zadar"


Tel. number
Location: Zadar / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 10:53
Yesterday: 10:52
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, German, Spanish, Portugese
Piercings: Clit
Pussy: Shaven
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

Namjeravam posjetiti Zadar i Španjolsku u kratkom vremenu. Datume ću objaviti kasnije. Prvi kontakt SAMO putem WhatsApp-a (tekstualna poruka).
Pozdrav svim potencijalnim robovima, mazohistima, pičkicama i fetišistima cijelog svijeta! predstavljam se.
Zovem se Aoko Jolly i luksuzna sam Dominatrix/božica fetiša stopala visoke klase u Italiji.
Za više informacija posjetite moju osobnu web stranicu.
Ja sam vrlo povjerljiva, profesionalna i diskretna ljubavnica. Nudim istinski transgresivna iskustva zainteresiranoj gospodi.
Obožavam BDSM i uživam upoznavati nove ljude.
Oduševit će vas moje provokativne obline, moje bujne prirodne grudi i moje duge i mišićave noge.
Jako sam izbirljiva, ako nećete ostaviti dobar dojam pri prvom kontaktu, rijetko će vam se pružiti nova prilika.
Moj stil je razigran, senzualan i sofisticiran. Moje su sesije intimne i povezane.
Ja sam vragolasta ljubavnica, vrlo maštovita i senzualna. Moje sesije temelje se na temeljnim načelima: sigurnost, razumnost i volja. Zahtjevi i ograničenja bit će navedeni prije početka sesije. Sastanci se odvijaju na povjerljiv način uz individualan pristup za svakoga. Dobrodošli strap-on ljubitelji (feminizacija), psi, lutke koje zvižde, I love the foot fetish, poniženja, cbt, gaženje, sjedenje lica, obrazovanje na engleskom, igranje uloga i sve što ide oko bdsm-a. Imam mnogo remenčića različitih veličina, veliki izbor staromodnih čarapa, remena za podvezice i visokih peta.
!UPOZORENJE! Ja Moji tabui su: izmet, klinički, opekline i okrutne seanse!
Jamčim primjerenost, privatnost i sigurnost. Nema skrivenih brojeva.
LOKACIJA ĆE BITI DOSTAVLJENA nakon potvrde rezervacije.
Također prihvaćam početnike. Podvodnici početnici okusit će slast podložnosti.
Nisam loša, samo me tako privlači ;)
Volim dječake koji vole igračke ;)
Jeste li spremni zadovoljiti svoju kraljicu? ;) Na povremenoj bazi za početak, javite mi se.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 179 cm
Weight: 70 kg / 154 lbs
Age: 29 yrs
Hobby: riding my motorcycle, playing drums, tattoos
Nationality: Swedish
Preferences: Searching sexual dating
Breast: Perky
Eye color: blue
Perfumes: Kelly & Jones
Orientation: Straight


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Sensual Massage Zadar


Quick €30 €70
1 hour €120 €150 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour
12 hours €700
24 hours

Escort Aoko reviews:

Manafov T.: Aoko je nevjerojatna cura s kojom ćeš se dobro provesti. Jeste li se ikada zapitali što je zapravo bila ova eskort usluga? Jesam i umjesto da gubim vrijeme, nazvao sam Aoko i rezervirao si termin. Ona je bila prva koja mi je zapela za oko. Privlače me brinete, a ona ima nevjerojatnu tamnu kosu srednje dužine. Aoko učinila je da se osjećam sjajno u vezi sebe i stvarno se pobrinula da mi se sviđa. Kao da je točno znala što treba učiniti i kada to učiniti. Ova ljepotica doista postaje zločesta među plahtama i zna kako razvući orgazam. I ja sam uživao zadovoljavati je. Ne postoji ništa nevjerojatnije od uživanja u društvu lijepe žene i skidanja jedno s drugim. Aoko i ja okupili smo se već nekoliko puta i obojica su dolazili u moju hotelsku sobu kad sam u gradu. Volim London, ima toliko toga za napraviti. Dvostruko je posebnije kad sam vani u gradu s ovom zgodnom ženom pod rukom. Njene obline su savršene i ona je potpuno prirodna ljepotica s kojom se jako zabavljam. Puno se smijemo kad smo zajedno. Ona je vrlo posebna osoba i preporučujem da se dodate na popis njezine klijentele. Ako se volite smijati i dobro zabavljati, Aoko je vaša djevojka.

OKILLERCARIAMA: Aoko je ljupka mlada dama istočnoindijskog porijekla. Niska je (4' 10"), prosječne do nešto iznad prosječne težine (koju dobro nosi), meke glatke kože, lijepih smeđih očiju i duge raskošne valovite kose. Čista je i spremna za akciju svaki put kad je vidim nju. Ona putuje okolicom Toronta i imao sam sreću vidjeti je na njezinim dolascima i pozvao sam je na izlazak. Točno je onakva kakva se reklamira, ili bolja. Njezini oglasi i web stranica opisuju je kao "nježnu", a istinitija riječ nikada nije izgovorena. Tražio sam damu koja je jako podsjećala na djevojku i našao sam točno ono što sam tražio u Aoko. Vrlo je prijateljska i željna ugoditi. Imao sam nekoliko iskustava s njom, ali opisat ću ti par nedavnih.

Jessbenipal: Bilo mi je dosadno i Aoko mi je bio zabavan. Nazvao sam je, zvučala je prilično lijepo, ali se zbunio u uputama poziva. otišao na lokaciju i čekao poziv. Nazvala je i rekla mi da odem na drugo mjesto. Otišao sam na lokaciju i upoznao je. Baš ono što sam očekivao.

Intune A.: Aoko je mlada, ženstvena i strastvena, s hrabrim ta taama. Ona pruža iskustvo klecanja koljena. Toplo preporučujem ovu slatku ženu koja je potpuno i potpuno usredotočena na klijenta.



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Awesome zoom on these two beautiful blushing girls.

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Originally Posted by kyle77.

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currently 164 pages in the "latest uploads" !! If you have not voted on them - Please start at the last page and work forward and VOTE (keep or dump) Thank you.

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You worry too much my friend. :-) If you are indeed a hopeless romantic I'm sure you will get plenty of inspiration for romantic ideas out of this relationship.

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Are you saying he splits the tab or that you pay the bill entirely?

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2. Why do you think telling her will help you get over it? What reaction do you think you are going to get from her? I'm not sure how hearing "I said I couldn't be with men, but what I meant was that I couldn't be with you" is going to help you. Pehaps hearing it though will give you closure. The best way to get over it honestly, is to simply move on with your life without her in it. No more contact with her, period. Your feelings for her aren't going to go away, and her lack of them isn't ever going to change regardless of what you say. There is nothing you could say that she doesn't already know.

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It all starts by you knowing and understanding who you are before you ever enter into a relationship.

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This is pretty much the attitude he has. He knows he could get hurt, that *I* could possibly hurt him, but says that is just life and it won't stop him from denying himself of the experience.

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prone braclet blonde moonbait track.

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Maybe...maybe not...but a man can dream ! ! !

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foursome very, very, very tight dress blue LBD black dress red brunette blonde longhair posing inside sidehug smile pushup flowers.

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This is not about love...this is about your irresistible urge to chase someone who is emotionally unavailable to you because you've got your own have this desire to fix something that is broken and make available what is not, you fight in these inbalanced or self-destructive relationships even though you create that dynamic...this is what you chase and what you want isn't love...sorry, that's not what love is. You're just telling yourself all these things like a crazy person because this is what makes you feel not good enough to be loved.

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Maybe her lower half was just.... um.... 5 feet closer to the camera?

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Hello Mysteryman. Love is a powerful thing. How do we “unlove” someone after loving, and especially after we’ve slept with them? Sorry that happened to you… Three breakups!? Talk about being put through the ringer… You asked for insight, so I hope this comes across as such, and not judging or preaching. You know, there’s some conventional wisdom designed to keep us from such heartache, found in the Bible. Those “rules” that are often thought to infringe on our way of living are really designed to keep us out of trouble, guide us toward truth and to enhance relationships that can otherwise be easily destroyed. I know - we live in a culture that seems to suggest, display and encourage casual sex and sex before marriage. The subtle sexual innuendo has given way to the obvious. Turn on any TV channel day or night there it is. I’m no prude, but I think the messages we (and especially young people) are receiving in the name of “sex sells” is ruining us, in a way, and in many ways is a blueprint for how to fail at a real, loving relationship. Maybe the reason you can’t get that gal out of your head is because by design, that’s what’s supposed to happen when we have sex with someone. We are supposed to become “one flesh” and stay together forever, death do us part, and all that. It’s no surprise that you’re deeply in love with her and can’t let her go. You’re doing what we are all wired to do under those circumstances (until we do it so often or with so many that the feeling fades). I would guess, that despite her rather uncharacteristic behavior, she feels the same. But it may take a trained professional to get this one sorted out so that all the cards are really on the table, yes? There may be a lot more that she hasn’t told you. I’d suggest a Christian counselor…. and saving the sex until the union of you and your partner is official : ) There’s a lot to be said about honoring the one you love with patience, and virtue. One thing’s for sure – she will know that you take the relationship seriously. There’s some really good literature and commentary on this subject. Let me know if you’re interested.

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