Tel. number | ![]() |
Location: | Zadar / Croatia |
Last seen: | Today in 19:51 |
1 day ago: | 22:40 |
Incall/Outcall: | Outcall |
Foreign languages: | English |
Piercings: | None |
Tatoo: | Yes |
Drinks delivered: | Yes |
💞Dođite i pridružite mi se💦 za opuštanje i osvježenje 💆♂️. Dođite i zabavite se s🥇Pravom ljepotom. Ja sam zabavna i fleksibilna.💃 Zovem se Jai 😈Ja sam Latinoamerikanka s grudima. Volite li djevojke 💋S dugim nogama od Mile🦵 & Bedroom Eyes. Onda sam ja tvoja djevojka.🥰 Nisam sat ⏰ Promatrač, neću te požurivati.💕 Sve 📸 slike su 💯 stvarne i nedavne. Nadam se da ću te vidjeti uskoro. 😘Pitaj o mojoj posebnosti za dvije djevojke Moguć dolazak i odlazak. DUO s Cherry_WRE
Height: | 177 cm |
Weight: | 46 kg / 101 lbs |
Age: | 29 yrs |
Motto: | if your not livin then what the hell are you doinDon't Eat! Don't sleep! Don't Grind! Don't Shine! |
Nationality: | Croatian |
Preferences: | I'm search real sex |
Breast: | Big tits |
Lingerie: | Mia-Amore |
Perfumes: | Nyakio |
Orientation: | Straight |
Sauna Sex |
Private Photos Zadar |
Cum on Face |
Sex Games |
Fetish |
Dinner companion Zadar |
Lapdance Zadar |
Trampling |
Handjob |
Multiple sex positions |
Deep Throat Zadar |
Swingersclub Zadar |
Rimming |
Quickie sex Zadar |
Submissive sex Zadar |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €50 | €80 |
1 hour | €100 | |
Plus hour | €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) | |
12 hours | €900 | |
24 hours |
My love, I'm Jai 💋 a university student 📚. I attend full time, all night U0001fae3🥺. I attend independently my loveU0001fae3. I give you a relaxed service, with a rich shower. So that you are relaxed. I'm independent!. I give you a rich deep oral 🍆🧐!. 💦🙊. You want to know more ? 🙊. I like to suck it wet and get sucked too 🙊. A sensual little dance! I suck you whole! . Everything, everything! I make you fantasies! 🔋U0001faab📲. I go home, by appointment 📍. Or come see me my love 🥰 . I also sell my pack or video calls 📌. Try me 🙊📌. I wait for you horny bb 🍆🔥😈💋.
SALMAALPHONSE: Prvi put ju rezerviram. Vrlo jednostavna i jednostavna provjera provjere. Vrlo profesionalno će se sigurno ponoviti
loadedbarrel: Veliko razočarenje. Na slikama je zgodna cura, a ona nije bila ni blizu slična tim slikama. Ako su ona, ima 20 godina. Slaba usluga. Ima dobru tehniku masaže, ali slabu u svim ostalim područjima koja bi pružatelj trebao pružati.
ArtSex: Kad je ušla, mogao sam reći da je prsata, međutim, tek kad je skinula prsa s mojih očiju, skoro sam izletio iz glave.Ova djevojka je tako vitka i sise su joj prekrasno opuštene, jednostavno izgledaju fantastično, volim vitku djevojku s velikim sisama!!!Odmah sam platio cijeli sat, nisam mogao čekati!Svukao sam je i dobro joj dao prvo osjeti sve, igrati se s njezinim sisama u ogledalu bilo je super, mogao sam stajati tamo zauvijek! Zatim sam legao i ona me je sisala, a onda sam ustao i pustio je da stane u položaj psa da mi još malo sisa , volio sam gledati njezine obješene sise dok joj je glava skakutala gore-dolje na mom čvrstom kurcu!! Nebo. Okrenuo sam je i nastavio je pumpati vrlo duboko, držanje za njezine sise bilo je sjajno, i promatranje nas u zrcalu, zatim sam je natjerao da ustane i ponovno je snažno pumpao straga, dok je nisam zasitio tijelo, upucao moj teret i zaista bio jako zadovoljan. Ako voliš velike sise, uživat ćeš u njezinim!
mitch9000: Senzualno, a opet stvarno provokativno! Sjajno društvo za biti. Jai bio je moj pratilac na vjenčanju na koje sam bio prije nekoliko tjedana. Vjenčanje je bilo u Salfordu i nitko mi se nije mogao pridružiti. Nisam želio propustiti vjenčanje, ali također nisam želio ići sam pa sam pronašao Jai profil na internetu i zamolio je da mi se pridruži. Išli smo na vjenčanje i dovođenje Jai bilo je najbolje što mi se moglo dogoditi. Razgovarali smo, plesali i lijepo se provodili zajedno. Nije se osjećao ništa manje od pravog spoja, a ona je cijelo vrijeme bila apsolutno savršena. Pozvala me da prespavam kod nje što sam prihvatio i kad smo se vratili tamo, slatka, slatka, nevina djevojka s kojom sam bio na vjenčanju pretvorila se u jednu od najzločestijih i najprljavijih drolja koje sam vidio! Potpuno je zadovoljila moje seksualne želje, a kako uskoro imam još nekoliko vjenčanja i događanja, znam koga ću zvati da mi se pridruži.
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We see each other about twice a week. Usually we have a meal (dinner or lunch) and go out to things we are both interested in, like going to art galleries, little field trips to interesting places in the city, etc. We've spent a few weekends at each others apartments, and do regular stuff.
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Yes and some already dead who walk beside you.
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hi im sporty not skinny or big im not butch or girlie more chapstick and sneakers kind of girl im clean in many ways i have green eyes mood eyes im trying to stop smoking i dont drink i use to have.
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At any rate, I certainly wasn't talking, necessarily, about 6'2" men preferring a woman who is 5'8" or 5'7". That makes a lot of sense for that to be the case. I'm actually talking more about men who are 5'8" and 5'9" or so, who could conceivably like a short woman like me because I'm shorter than them, but they still prefer taller - like 5'6" to 5'8". Pretty much the same way you feel. You're taller than shorter women, so why do they need someone even taller than you? For me, it's...I'm shorter than you - aren't you supposed to like that? - why do you need/want a woman taller than me?
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You are entitled to your opinion, but I really couldn't disagree with you more. I know the difference between someone who's just interested in sex (trust me) and someone who actually wants a relationship. He does seem sincere. A guy just in for the sex isn't going to do the things he's been doing. Plus, if he was in it just for the sex, he'd be pressuring for it.
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Tell her that her cheating may have been a while ago, but every time you find something new, it is as if it just happened.
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Also remember that her dad hasn't been feeling well the whole week so she could have let you know if she actually cared. Letting you know pretty much at the last minute kind of means she's using it as an excuse to not show up for the date.
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that belly is just killer.
| +1 | name is Kendall, Iam cute,funny,down to earth,outgoing and fun to be around wit.
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If a friendship with an ex is a problem for some reason, I'd address it. If I was unhappy with the response, I would move on.
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Chain smoking cowboy killers?
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Ask me anything! Looking for ladies in need of more, so hmu if you're interested. hmu on k i k or snap @ manikdpreshu.
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Hi, I enjoy taking long walks, watching movies, or just relaxin.
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Tall, uneducated smoker vs short educated non smoker. Go.