Marmaduquesa (29), Zadar, escort model
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Private Marmaduquesa (29) escort Zadar

"Independent Bulgarian Fabulous Brunette with Stunning Ass! Zadar"


Tel. number
Location: Zadar / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 08:39
Today: 01:19
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, Spanish, Portugese, Italian
Piercings: None
Tatoo: A Few
Parking: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

Hosting u blizini White Plains Rd i Pelham Parkway South, privatna čista lokacija!!80ss, 120hh, 180 sati za moje vrijeme i druženje. Zatražite Lailu tel: xxx ili tel: xxxBEZ BLOKIRANJA POZIVA, BEZ VULGARNOG JEZIKA Lako ide i želi ugoditi.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 177 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Age: 29 yrs
Motto: ;)
Nationality: Bulgarian
Preferences: Looking teen fuck
Breast: D
Lingerie: Maison Close
Perfumes: Vfiles
Orientation: Straight


Bi twin
Role play
Strap on Zadar
Hand job Zadar
Cum on Face
Spanking On me
Sex Games Zadar
Strip tease Zadar
Dinner companion
Ball Licking and Sucking
Trampling Zadar


Quick €50 €60
1 hour €140 €150 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €110 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €900
24 hours €1400

Escort Marmaduquesa reviews:

ECHINACEAUNITECH: Vidio sam Rominnu mnogo puta i svaki put kad je vidim postaje Marmaduquesa sve bolja i bolja. Preporučuje se

Georgiana: Marmaduquesa je prava bomba. Jako sam se napalio kad sam vidio njene slike. Sve cure s kojima sam bio bile su debele ili mi nisu htjele popušiti. Imao sam dosta ovakvih cura i odlučio sam malo unajmiti eskort pratnju. Čim sam ugledao Marmaduquesa odmah sam je mogao zamisliti kako kleči ispred mene i jezikom miluje moj kurac. Sada je moje vrijeme i dogovorio sam se s njom oko sastanka. Naš sastanak je bio fenomenalan i nijedan seks nije tako dobar kao Marmaduquesa pušenje.

Johannesburg W.: Osjećala sam se vrlo dobrodošlo i ubrzo me opustila, a termin nije bio požuren i bila je vrlo susretljiva. Zapravo, budući da sam doživio veliki broj žena, rekao bih da je jedno od najboljih iskustava u posljednjih nekoliko godina.

Gini13: Sreli smo se na dolasku, platili pola sata. Bio je ondje oko 20 minuta i nakon toga je izjuren. Ona je djevojka na svojim slikama, ali koristi puno filtera. Sigurno izgleda starije od svojih slika. Ne isplati se njezin trošak po mom mišljenju više detalja za vip



| +1 |

Damn i love dark girls. Better yet young dark sexy girls like her. Please more pics of her.

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If it were just about sex, she could have put him on the back burner, but she is making it clear that it is more important than that, which is hardly a fair way to start things off with you.

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Psa.. if you are not in to bigger woman im definitely not for you, sorry just the truth, not trying to waste anyones tim.

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And here is another thing to think about... This and other boards are replete with stories of 'Friends" that work together or opposite sex friends that, once a relationship has a bad day, those "friends" end up sleeping together, which makes everything worse.

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I prefer smaller tits than that, but she's a cutie for sure!

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You may love the voice and when you meet you may wonder why you ever thought she was hot.

| +1 |

i might be able to find a bikini pic.

+XXXX854653. Sent you a video ▶️

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