Eyoursalim (34), Zagreb, escort model
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Bald Eyoursalim (34) escort Zagreb

"Adult Cyber Chat Zagreb"


Tel. number
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 09:54
Today: 20:41
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Foreign languages: English, Spanish
Piercings: Navel
Tatoo: Don't Know
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes
Duo service: Dilana escort

About Me

Bok ?? Javite mi se dame ako želite dobro provesti vrijeme i ako želite roba da zadovolji sve vaše fantazije. Du stehst auf hei?e erlebnisse! Bis gleich susser.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 185 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Age: 34 yrs
Motto: i did what last nightI love you charles MwahWithout music life would be a mistake. ~Friedrich Wilhelm NietzscheI'm all wet, can I come in? lol
Nationality: Czech
Preferences: I'm ready sex contacts
Breast: like melons
Lingerie: Tommy Hilfiger
Perfumes: Susan McCray
Orientation: Straight


Blowjob without Condom Zagreb
Kamasutra Zagreb
Balls licking and sucking
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Social escort
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Prostate Massage Zagreb
Mutual masturbation Zagreb
School girl sex


Quick €30
1 hour €120 €150 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €500
24 hours


Escort Eyoursalim reviews:

Gumby A.: Ova prljava plavuša bila je spremna igrati se sa mnom na neke čudne načine. Ne želim da zvuči kao da imam fetiš, ali kad je Eyoursalim otvorila vrata svog stana obučena kao učenica, možete se kladiti da sam podigla veliki šator u svojim hlačama. Ubrzo ih je skinula i rekla mnogo gadnih stvari prije nego što me popušila i odradila vraški dobar posao u tome. Zbog toga što sam bila tako zločesta, malo sam je udarila po batinama i uskoro sam samo pipala po njenoj mokroj pičkici, i oboje smo znali što ću sljedeće staviti unutra.

Smyth: Vidio sam Eyoursalim prije nekoliko tjedana. Shvaćam zašto je tako popularna. Podsjeća me na onu zgodnu učiteljicu koja izgleda predobro da bi radila u školskom sustavu.Ona koju svi dečki iz HS-a žele povaliti, svi se tate pojavljuju na sastancima PTA samo da je još jednom pogledaju, a sve koje mame mrze jer znaju da će njihovi muževi vjerojatno maštati o tome da je poševe sljedeći put kad se seksa s njima !Početni kontakt putem P411, zatim smo išli naprijed-natrag putem e-pošte tijekom nekoliko tjedana, dok nisam uspio uskladiti svoj raspored. Stigao je na poziv VA putem SMS-a i bio je jako zadovoljan ženom koju sam vidio kako stoji iza vrata. Ne-VIP osobe - ponovit ću.

SCOLDED47QUINTUS: Putovao sam i proveo noć u Jacksonvilleu i malo sam istraživao lokalno stanovništvo. Eyoursalim se stalno pojavljivala i njezine su recenzije bile prilično dobre. Iako ima rusko podrijetlo i pomalo govori naglasak, veći dio života provela je u Sjedinjenim Državama. Eyoursalim ima zanimljivu pozadinu i to se vidi u njezinoj pažljivosti i želji da ugodi. Došla je u moj hotel. Omiljeno piće Eyoursalim je Chandon Classic Brut. Toplo preporučam.

Danny616: Prije nekog vremena vidio sam oglas mnogih kako šalju poruke naprijed-natrag. Kako Baby Syd nije mogla doći na jutarnju sesiju, a ja nemam kamo ići, odlučila sam vidjeti ovu djevojku jer je već tjedan dana nakon n. 2 sustav poziva prema hotelima više razine. Dobio sam broj i ušao. Nažalost, soba je bila pretamna i nisam mogao vidjeti njezino lice ni tijelo dok nisam ušao do kraja.



| +1 |

I sincerely hope you do the right thing and come clean .... do you have a conscience?

| +1 |

Hey I'm honestly on here just looking for someone opened minded who wants a hookup. I'm 19 years old and just want to experience what I can while I'm young. I'm well endowed at 8 inches and would.

| +1 |

At least one Member here is in "t-6" heaven after seeing this beautiful shot! LOL!!

| +1 |

Who am I? Men have spent lifetimes trying to answer that on.

| +1 |

Stage5, (love your moniker..too funny!),.

| +1 |

As for your insecurities, I suspect those would be there no matter who you are dating, right? You need to take care of that yourself.

| +1 |

it is against the rules to give personal data on any girls in the pics. read the red text in the commenting box.

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i am going to school to be a cosmetologist i love to smile and have a good time. you only live once ENJOY IT! i am interested in meeting someone who likes the same things i do and is willing to.

| +1 |

love how the eyes match the jumper.

| +1 |

Was there a reason for this?

| +1 |

don't ask him about last night (what? to hear more lies? to catch him?).

| +1 |

But the biggest sellers are aimed at women because women are more interested in, and usually more willing to sit still and read the complex crap. I don't know many men who would bother to read "Top 10 secrets to long-lasting relationships" or take the "Is She Girlfreind Material?" quiz. Also, women in general are simply more fascinated by romance/glamour/drama/gossip; women of all ages are the biggest audience ever for life-help type books/magazines; women are the most likely to actually spend their money on these things, therefore the market is going to focus on them before anyone else....it's all about the dollar baby!

| +1 |

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”.

Mary (22yo) sent you a video ▶️

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