Tel. number | |
Location: | Zagreb / Croatia |
Last seen: | 3 days ago in 08:45 |
Today: | 20:40 |
Incall/Outcall: | Incall |
Foreign languages: | English, French |
Piercings: | Navel |
Pussy: | Trimmed |
Drinks delivered: | Yes |
Duo service: | Tapiwa escort |
Zapanjujuća visoka ljepotica, tijelo za umrijeti, dobro obrazovana, sofisticirana dama, klasa, zgodna, strastvena. Draga gospodo!!
Height: | 173 cm |
Weight: | 58 kg |
Age: | 24 yrs |
Motto: | This one thing my cousin Shooter said once about like, this fat chick that was in a truck or outside a Dairy Queen or something. I don't really remember it, but goddamn it was a laugh.sweet, hell yea,you mean what i know |
Nationality: | Australian |
Preferences: | I want swinger couples |
Breast: | D |
Lingerie: | Modis |
Perfumes: | Heidi Klum |
Orientation: | Straight |
Striptease Zagreb |
Passionate kissing |
Cum on body |
Foot Fetish Zagreb |
Sauna Sex Zagreb |
Role play |
Strip tease |
Foam massage Zagreb |
Cum in Mouth |
Role Play |
Mutual masturbation Zagreb |
Golden Shower |
Blow job |
Private Photos Zagreb |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €50 | |
1 hour | €140 | |
Plus hour | €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi) | |
12 hours | ||
24 hours |
Lemmons: Postati nastrano uz Febrounia bilo je upravo ono što je mojoj noći trebalo. Ne vole svi BDSM, a čak i ja to shvaćam prilično olako, pa mi je drago što je bila na istoj valnoj duljini kao ja. Čak i samo malo udaranja i zadirkivanja je sve što mi treba da postanem još čvršći, a ona je bila ista. Volio sam što smo se smijali i jadikovali zbog toga više od bilo čega drugog. Čak i kad je izvadila povez preko očiju, nije postalo previše divlje, iako mi se definitivno sviđalo kada me jaše i sve na što sam se mogao usredotočiti bilo je kako se osjeća njezina maca. Nevjerojatna ptica.
sexcbitch: Vidio sam neke od njezinih radova na pornografskim web stranicama prije i kad sam vidio da je u mom kraju, znao sam da moram iskoristiti priliku. Jer biti porno zvijezda bilo je jeftinije nego što sam mislio da će biti. Bio je to lak susret, otišao sam ravno u njezinu hotelsku sobu.
robie67: Ovo je za mene bilo veliko razočarenje. Vidio sam fotografije Febrounia na web stranici Northern Belles i na Blonde Escorts i na svima njima izgleda zapanjujuće. Predlažem da ovdje postoje 3 opcije, 1. Snimljene su prije mnogo vremena, 2. Fotografirane su/očišćene zračnim kistom, 3. Zapravo nisu ona. Njezin opis na web stranici Northern Belles kaže da je haljina veličina 10, ali rekao bih barem veličina 14! Nemojte me krivo shvatiti, ona je dovoljno draga osoba, ali neugodno je kada su opisi tako netočni jer da su bili iskreni, nikad je ne bih rezervirao i uštedio svoj novac. Rekao sam da je ugodna i prijateljski nastrojena žena, ali nije bilo puno iskre ili entuzijazma u tome što je radila. Došlo je do neke vrste ljubljenja, ali to nije bilo ništa više od vrlo sitnih kljukanja, a owo je bilo čudno potpuno isto. Siguran sam da će biti baš ono što se nekima sviđa, ali stvarno nije za mene i samo sam htio svima dati do znanja koliko je neprecizna opis je.
brenny_moo: Postavite posjet samo porukom. Mnogo je puta pitala jesam li LEO. Pretpostavljajući po cijeni da bi usluga bila na gornjoj polici. Nije, ali MAN je zgodna od glave do pete! Mogao bih ponoviti.
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I had the pleasure to meet NIcolle and was amazing..her service is good and professional..i enjoy a lot the time we spent togetter because she make me forget about everything..she really knows to make a man fell great because she is dooing good?nice atitude , good english , nice outfits and all time smilling.i will visit again soon i feel verry happy and confident , Nicolle is the girl with who you can enjoy a lot and also have a good conversation.. i felt like a know her from before she make me feel so comfortable.sweety nikolle will meet again for sure??
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I do think its my fault, only because I seem to be the one getting the brunt of the situation. You make a good point, though, a lot of people give their number out to a lot of people with no intention of ever talking to them. If there is one thing I know, its that Im not a bad guy at all. I smell just fine, and I dont act creepy at all. I've gotten a lot of 'you seem like a really nice guy', and at first I thought that was bad, but as I think more, what in the world is wrong with being a nice guy? Nothing, its just the people Ive met arent looking for nice right now.
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The problem is - he now thinks that I'm a very jealous insecure person and he's freaked out.
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I'm banking on your standards being a lot lower than min.
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he will not tell his mom that you two have been having problems? is that Right?
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And I was married.. that was when I was young.
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You dated for a few weeks, had sex once - and now you expect him to entertain a long distance relationship for 5 months? Come on, be real... Why would you want him to make such a sacrifice - and why would you want to make that kind of sacrifice yourself?
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HI There. well first of all i would like to wish you all the best of luck and thanks for ping by my page.
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Im myself most of all don't like fake actors be real i love everything and everyone in my life my heart is design have a great goals to still accomplish very patient have plenty of time to succeed.