Mazarinne (21), Zagreb, escort model     Call

Shameless Mazarinne (21) escort Zagreb

"Lovely Lithuanian Vip Login Usc in Zagreb"


Tel. number
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Last seen: Today in 21:38
Yesterday: 01:37
Incall/Outcall: Outcall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, Portugese, Italian
Piercings: Face
Tatoo: Many
Payments: Cash

About Me

Bok, ja sam Mazarinne. Vrlo sam diskretan, pristojan i zabavan suputnik. Ja ne pušim. Dobro se brinem o sebi i odijevam se elegantno i seksi. Bilo bi ti drago biti sa mnom na večeri ili u hotelu, kao i među plahtama... Meld dich und lass dich uberraschen :) :*.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 181 cm
Weight: 95 kg / 209 lbs
Age: 21 yrs
Hobby: music,movies,ladies,art,sportsAnything outdoors
Nationality: Lithuanian
Preferences: I looking people to fuck
Breast: like melons
Lingerie: L.Z
Perfumes: Baywatch
Orientation: Bisexuals


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Cum in Mouth
Anal massage
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Dinner companion
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Dirty talk
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Quickie sex escorts Zagreb


Quick €30 €70
1 hour €140
Plus hour
12 hours
24 hours €1100

last days love!!!!. I am Renata, a cute little asshole, luxury treatment. Without complications, come and I will treat you as you deserve !!!!. I am a few steps from the center of conception!. Little house, cozy private. 100% real photos!!. I DO NOT SEND PHOTOS OR VIDEOS!!!

Escort Mazarinne reviews:

BRUMBIOMETR: Vrlo zločesta i provokativna djevojka koja mi je ostvarila svaku maštariju. Mazarinne i ja smo se upoznali tek prije nekoliko dana, ali još uvijek ne mogu prestati misliti na nju.Otišao sam kod nje, želeći samo isprazniti jaja, ali sam od nje dobio mnogo više! Bila je savršena voditeljica i najnevjerojatnija ševa koju sam imao u životu! Njezina savršena koža i njezin blistavi osmijeh učinili su me napaljenijim nego ikad, a ona je iskoristila moje uzbuđenje da me učini potpuno zadovoljnim! Proveo sam divlje vrijeme s njom i jedva čekam da je ponovno vidim.

MINIDOCVERNION: Lijepi trenuci s ovom seksi kučkom. Više se oslanja na izgled nego na vještinu, ali bitno je da je voljna. Dočekala me dobro odjevena i s osmijehom. Odmah me odveo u spavaću sobu i pitao me želim li se istuširati. Rekao sam ne.Otuširao sam se prije nego sam došao do nje. To me malo uvrijedilo, jer sam bila sigurna da mirišem odlično i da nosim novu bijelu košulju. Njezina je soba bila čista i svijetla, s nekoliko seksualnih igračaka na noćnom ormariću. Nosila je štikle cijelo vrijeme tijekom seksa, čak i kad su joj noge bile u zraku. Smatram to seksi. Ubola me štiklama u prsa i to je bilo super vruće. Bilo mi je lijepo s ovom lijepom pratnjom.

tightboxers: Sreo sam se s njom u mom Zagreb hotelu. Dogovorite termin nekoliko dana unaprijed i stigla je odmah na vrijeme. Vrlo zabavno kao i uvijek

Seasons V.: Sve su usluge bile dostupne bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova - po mom mišljenju stvarno dobra vrijednost. Počeli smo s malim poljupcem i maženjem dok smo se polako svlačili jedno drugo, a zatim legli na krevet. Mazarinne uvukla je moj tvrdi kurac među svoje pune usne i dobro me posisala, ponekad zastajući i ližući gore-dolje po mom tijelu kao da je lizalica. Morao sam je zaustaviti prije nego što sam došao, pa mi je Mazarinne stavio kondom, a zatim sam je natjerao da legne na leđa dok sam kliznuo u njenu vruću macu, koja je bila lijepa i čvrsta. Izdržao sam prilično dobro, ohrabren Mazarinne, sve dok nisam snažno došao.Mazarinne mi je doneo osvježavajuće piće, a zatim smo sjedili i mazili jedno drugo, razgovarajući o raznim stvarima neko vrijeme dok nisam bio spreman za polazak Mazarinne nije svršila u toj fazi pa sam to popravio tako što sam jeo njezinu sočnu macu dok nije dahtala i vikala nešto na španjolskom dok je postigla orgazam. Volim jesti macu i ovo me opet učinilo finim i teškim, pa bilo je navučeno s još jednim kondomom i još žestokim jebanjem, ovaj put odostraga, s Mazarinne nagnutom naprijed na krevetu - ovo mi je najdraži položaj jer volim gledati svoj kurac kako ulazi i izlazi iz uske pičke. Iako sam prebrzo osjetio kako trnci počinju rasti i izbio sam na kondom.Mazarinne mi je pomogla ukloniti kondom i očistiti me prije nego što me omotala rukama i vratila natrag u krevet. Još ljubljenja i maženje na krevetu prije nego što me Mazarinne pitao želim li pokušati treći put - kakva cura - ali sam pristojno odbio jer znam svoje granice.Mazarinne mi je donio čisti ručnik i imao sam lijep topli tuš u kupaonici. Kad sam se vratio u spavaću sobu, Mazarinne je ponovno obukla svoje seksi donje rublje i izgledala je tako dobro da nisam mogao vjerovati svojoj sreći da sam upravo povalio ovu prekrasnu Latino djevojku.Mazarinne je definitivno za moj popis favorita - možda je natjeram da sljedeći put dođe k meni, možda sa svojom seksi prijateljicom Lucy o kojoj mi je pričala.



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sparkydawg: already back, check the menu.

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When I was dating, I was going to the gym regularly in the winter and I was walking and biking 1h/day in the summer, but I wouldn't say i was hard core, just being a bit active so I don't have a heart attack next year. I dated some guy who was very much into fitness s and it was forking exhausting. We would have never been a fit. I got a couple of injuries from when I dated him and I have at least one scar and one leftover pain in my knee to prove it lol.

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I just spotted the "whos among us" feature at the bottom. cool! hello to the one guy in algeria. I seem to be the only one from my country however. this site gets better every day!!

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check righty out! total skinny little bombshell.

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Go out and do things you enjoy, continue w/that group and talk to lots of people. Remember this, never get invested in someone until you start seriously dating. There are a lot of people who get a kick w/screwing w/your feelings. These guys aren't creeps waiting in the shadows, they are the romantic flatterers. Chin up and just be careful. After my incident, no guy has caught me off guard because I never invested in anyone until we started seriously dating, like my current bf.

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Originally Posted by omoge.

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He also then tells me he was a virgin. I didn't really care or mind. But now I think he just used me to lose it.

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Sorry this is a bit long, but I could really use some answers to my relationship questions. My bf and I have been together 1 year and 4 months and all the sudden I'm starting to find all kinds of things that he's been doing and saying behind my back. He left his Facebook account signed in on his laptop while he got in the shower a few weeks ago. I was being nosey and looked through his messages and stuff. One thing I found was a conversation between him and some girl named Sharon whom he'd apparently known a long time. The convo took place a few months ago. He said to her ...."Right now I'm thinking about what I wanna do to you and how I wanna pleasure you." There were a lot of other comments to about 4 or 5 more girls that were completely innapropriate as well. Since all the stuff I found took place over the course of our relationship, I felt justified in confronting him. First of course, he flipped out on me and said I had no respect for his privacy and was extremely deffensive. Then he finally came up with some lame excuse for talking to those girls in that way. Something about me not paying enough attention to him. After all this I started to be more aware of his cell phone and what he was doing on it. I found a lot of convos between he and his most recent ex gf Crystal. He's told me since the beginning of our relationship that he's had no type of contact with her what-so-ever. When i found all the texts he finally admitted that they've been talking the whole time but that "they're just friends." I told him how all of this made me feel and he said how sorry he was and that he promised to cut off all communication with her and the other girls on FB. Since then not only have I found him talking to her and texting her, but he met up with her one weekend that I was out of town to "give her something that he still had of hers from way back when they were together"...(Yeah right) Anyways, What should I do? I wish he would do what he said he was going to do and just stop having contact with these girls, but I can't make him.....What should I do? I mean how many more chances do I give him to lie to me and do these "petty" things (as he calls them.).

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twosome bikini tanlines hoh railing sideknot balcony walkway wristband.

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Once I get interaction, I go for the kill as they say. I then date, meet face-to-face and that is that.

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