Wattah (33), Zagreb, escort sexgirl
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High Wattah (33) escort Zagreb

"Busty & Nice Eyes Zagreb"


Tel. number
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 09:06
1 day ago: 00:34
Incall/Outcall: Outcall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, German, Spanish, Portugese, Italian
Piercings: Yes
Pussy: Shaven
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

Moje ime je Wattah i ja sam nezavisna Watford & Zagreb eskort, model i kvalificirana maserka. Nisam porno zvijezda, ja sam samo vrlo senzualna, seksi, otvorena, elegantna & sofisticirana dama koja voli ugoditi (i biti zadovoljna) istomišljenika STARIJIH OD 30 godina. Igranje black jacka kao posao.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 169 cm / 5'7''
Weight: 45 kg / 99 lbs
Age: 33 yrs
Motto: any girls that want to hook up just hit me up so we can talk
Nationality: Croatian
Preferences: I'm ready man
Breast: D
Eye color: brown
Perfumes: Caribbean Joe
Orientation: Straight


Strip tease
Dildo Play Zagreb
Cum on body
Porn star experience
Multiple sex positions Zagreb
Foot Fetish Zagreb
Role play
Golden Shower
Handjob Zagreb
Spanking On me Zagreb


Quick €50
1 hour €140 €180 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour
12 hours €600
24 hours

Croatian and Croatian a few steps from the subway and the Zagreb square in a discreet and comfortable apartment. We do all kinds of services. trios. Anal. Oral without condoms. sensual dances. Erotic massages. Plastic pictures. Contact us and your visit will be unforgettable.

Escort Wattah reviews:

Cump E.: Počnimo s oglašenim slikama. Mogli su biti ona u mnogo mlađoj dobi, ali sada nisu ova osoba. Na slikama je netetovirana lijepa mlada žena, a ta je osoba imala brojne tetovaže i sigurno nije bila toliko atraktivna. Međutim, obje su vitke žene s dugom, ravnom kosom, pa su možda bile njezine fotografije prije mnogo godina ili mlađe sestre. Ocijenio bih slike 8, a ovu ženu 4 ako bismo obje ocjenjivali na ljestvici od 1 do 10. U roku od nekoliko minuta nakon što smo se skinuli, počela se žaliti na ovo i ono, i meni je bilo tako neugodno da sam joj to rekao i rekao da ovo neće uspjeti. Složila se s mojim brzim odlaskom. Bio sam tamo najviše 5 minuta. Ljubazno sam joj ponudio 25% onoga što sam joj platio da joj nadoknadim vrijeme, a ona je rekla ne da će zadržati cijeli iznos koji sam ostavio na stolu kad sam ušao nekoliko minuta prije. Nisam se uopće svađao i samo sam otišao bez daljnje rasprave jer su njezin temperament i stav bili tako loši. Možda se osjeća sjajno jer je zaradila nekoliko dolara više nego što je zaslužila i više nego što bi trebala ako se posluži glavom, ali dugoročno će izgubiti više novca nego što je dobila jer je ne preporučujem nijednom prijatelju niti idem leđa. Daleko, ovo je bilo veliko razočarenje i gubitak mog vremena i novca.

LIMBLESSSPRYLY: Imao sam privilegiju vidjeti Wattah mnogo puta. Wattah živi sjeverno u drugoj državi od mene, i povezao sam se s njom na putovanjima gore tim putem. Povremeno ona putuje dolje - i iako to znači da još uvijek moram voziti oko 2 sata; za priliku da se ponovno povežete s njom; rado ću se obavezati. Nekoliko smo puta slali e-poštom naprijed-natrag i zajednički smo dogovorili termin.Ušao sam u njezinu hotelsku sobu - bile su to romantično postavljene svijeće za V-Day - i Wattah je nosila ovu lijepu zavodljivu crvenu plišanu haljinu za V-day. Vips-čitajte dalje

Evan-l: djevojka s vrućom tintom, bila je pripremljena za mene, uživala je u svom tijelu sat vremena. odmah s vrata me zavodila. Svidjelo mi se njezino samopouzdanje i stav, sviđaju mi ​​se stroge žene. Volio bih da pruža više usluga, neke za koje sam želio da ne voli, ali to je u redu. Imaju i druge zgodne djevojke.

Everett A.: Dakle, već dugo gledam oglase i bezuspješno sam je pokušao kontaktirati. Prošao sam i otišao do grada u dolini Merrimack i uputili su me do njezine kuće. Neko vrijeme čekanja vani, a zatim unutra. Očigledno je da je starija od 35. Ona nudi neke S&M usluge koje ja ne tražim. Sveukupno OK.



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twosome hugging t-shirts shorts flipflops lawn grass sidewalk driveway cars suv brick house basketball nets purse trees.

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You realize you cheated on your boyfriend right? Do the right thing, tell your boyfriend what you did and let him decide whether he wants to be with you anymore. If you had any feelings for your Boyfriend, you'll do that. To do anything else is just selfish and immature.

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Her calling you "wife" sounds a bit like that.

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looking up hoh blue tank soffe db ibt.

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So I hope you can see why this seems suspicious. He lies about going to a strip club...lord knows why he called it a burlesque show..it's not like I didn't know he had gone to strip clubs, and why would I care if it was a strip club versus a burlesque show? It seemed suspicious anyway, going to any kind of sexual "show" with this woman and then being out of contact for 12 hours overnight and claiming he didn't hook up with her. And then to find out he was lying about it actually being a strip club just makes it seem like he must have had something to hide. Otherwise, why would he lie about that?

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If you don't know what your place is you might be having some gender identity issues.

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You've been in job interviews and have read the books on how to answer the tough Q's and what to say and what not to say.

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She has a b/f or is married, that's what happened.

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Talking to other women, being friends with them & even liking their posts on FB is no big deal.

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Hey im David from Ruston I work as a business owner here in town and in my spare time I enjoy singing and playing guitar and in the process of getting a band together.Most consider me to be laid.

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Why ruin a good thing by forcing feelings that aren't there? It's just the variances of attraction; your friend can be attractive, she's simply not your type, for one reason or another, and you're not hers. There are women you can have platonic friendships with and women you're sexually or romantically attracted towards, sometimes they will overlap but you can still experience one dynamic without the other.

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Sagittarius - - Easy going, down to earth, (nothing fancy) and would enjoy meeting like minded lesbians in my area for friendship. I enjoy flea markets, resale shops, playing cards, board games.

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