Majira (32), Rijeka, escort model
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Insatiable Majira (32) escort Rijeka

"Va Pussy in Rijeka"


Tel. number
Location: Rijeka / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 10:24
Yesterday: 23:02
Incall/Outcall: Incall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, German, Portugese, Italian
Piercings: Face
Tatoo: A Few
Safe apartment: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes
Duo service: Sharifehs escort

About Me

Upozorenje! Opijet ćete se njezinim šarmom i profinjenošću! Sylvie će učiniti da se osjećate kao da ste u drugom svijetu dok vas vodi na neistražen teritorij! Nakon uživanja u njezinim brojnim talentima možda se više nikada nećete poželjeti vratiti u stvarnost! Otkačena djevojka koja voli biti stvarno zločesta!

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 131 cm / 4'4''
Weight: 82 kg / 181 lbs
Age: 32 yrs
Motto: Every living creature, dies alone.
Nationality: Croatian
Preferences: I searching people to fuck
Breast: BB
Lingerie: Paccio
Perfumes: Ines de la Fressange
Orientation: Bisexuals


Slave sex
Doggy style escorts Rijeka
Private Video Rijeka
Role play
Blowjob without Condom
Sex toys
Deep throat Rijeka
Strap on Rijeka
Sexy shower
Anal massage
Multiple sex positions escort Rijeka
Sensual Massage
Erotic sensual massage


Quick €30 €90
1 hour €110 €180 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour
12 hours €800
24 hours

Hello my love, my name is Majira, a sexy and hot escort, with white skin, slim, black hair, angelic face, I'm 1.60 meters tall and I'm only years old. I offer a couple service, with kisses and caresses All over my body, the positions that you like the most, more vaginal sex and a rich oral, all with protection, I'll be in lingerie or completely naked, as you prefer, I'll be like that.

Escort Majira reviews:

Macca57: Rezervacija Majira bila je jednostavna i jednostavna. Prethodno sam je vidio na Seduction Unlimited, ali nije bilo tako privlačno kao što sam se nadao. Želio sam je posjetiti kao Indie i usporediti jer sam mislio da je zgodna i koketna djevojka...

BUSHMANUTAI: Ne želim napisati ovu recenziju jer želim Majira zadržati za sebe. Ona je lijepa i vješta.

beautybeast: Vrlo brzo ću ponovno doći kod ove djevojke, bila je najbolja stvar u mjesecu.Ako postoji jedna stvar koja me se više nego dojmila, to je činjenica da je djelovala kao da se zapravo zabavlja! Toliko puta se sretnete s tim djevojkama, a one samo gledaju na sat i samo čekaju da njihovo vrijeme istekne. Shvaćam da sam ga platio, ali trebam i malo pozitivne razmjene od njega. Mislim da je nisam vidio čak ni da gleda u telefon, niti jednom dok je bila ovdje. Još jedna velika stvar je to što je izgledala baš onako kako sam očekivao. Mislim da uopće nije bila toliko našminkana kad me je konačno došla vidjeti. Imala je nevjerojatne usne i mogla je raditi nevjerojatne stvari svojim jezikom. Bila sam doista šokirana svim stvarima koje je mogla učiniti.

Courtlan: Tražim maženje i dobar provod jedne večeri u blizini Princetona. Našao sam LaDonnu na ter-u i pokazalo se da je blizu. Mislio sam da će doći u moj hotel, ali pokazalo se da je samo primala pozive. Međutim, bila je na pješačkoj udaljenosti pa sam uspio doći do nje unutar sat vremena. Zatim me razmjena poruka dovela do njezine sobe. Dočekala me fina djevojka u prilično otrcanom hotelu. Sjajan provod bi se sigurno ponovio.



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babybait alert! and im out!

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NARDIL: underaged (strike one) / JACKNIMBLE: watermark (strike one) / LEMONDROP: too old / JPBCARDS: pro , dupe / JSOMEBODY: quality / DAUGHTERSPANTIES: headless again (strike one, read the FAQ) / VINCENT: pro shots / DAX22: celeb / RAYDIOS: pro's.

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Looking for a sexii friends who enjoy life yet focused on what they want. Be honest and speak your mind but intelligently. I want ladies friends that have their own home, car, and funds. Loves kids.

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I am 25 years old and have lived in Northern Michigan my entire life. I share my life with two beautiful sons ages 4 and 6 years old. I am a secretary. I am back into the single world and looking.

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Im a dad of a 9 month old son. im just looking for some fun nothing seriou.

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If you remember your last thread I said the scales fell from your eyes only to have you put them back on.

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At this point, the last thing that matters is whether you love your girlfriend or not. STOP CHEATING on her. It is an awful thing to do to someone. What goes around comes around, and let me tell you...when it happens to you, you'll be devastated. Do your girlfriend a BIG favor and break up with her. Yeah she might be hurt and all, but it won't be anything close to how she'll feel if she found out you were cheating on her. And if you think you have even an ounce of love in your heart for her, you wouldn't want her to be with a guy that was too chicken to let one girl go before he started messing around with another.

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Two wet bikini beauties!

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when women are young and have a lot to "offer" then they have the upper hand in the dating scene. as women age the men get the upper hand. period.

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Looks like a young Adriana Lima.

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beautiful girl, a swing and a trampoline..what else could any one ask for.

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And then even if a date is planned, the above busy person might be sick on that day, might not feel like going out,night be that time of the month, have something come up etc. So you are left waiting another week?

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If you're not worried about causing harm, then tell them you know, but keep talking to them. If you're not romantically interested, tell them that, too. They may just want someone to talk to.

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I used to think, “Does she like me?".

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I don't think I've ever been this angry on LS in my entire time here.


Hey! Today with a girlfriend alone, looking for sex adventures! 🍓

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