Saymi (28), Rijeka, escort sexgirl
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Independent Saymi (28) escort Rijeka

"Hungry Greek My Sexy Secretary in tight pants! Rijeka"


Tel. number
Location: Rijeka / Croatia
Last seen: 1 day ago in 01:53
Today: 21:57
Incall/Outcall: Outcall
Foreign languages: English, Turkish
Piercings: Yes
Tatoo: Don't Know
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

Lijepa žena želi ostvariti vaše divlje fantazije, nema igrica, nema sranja, samo prava zabava, nazovite što prije 100% realTiffany tel: xxx-7 Voli nogomet, motor cross, rugby i kickboxing.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 174 cm
Weight: 46 kg / 101 lbs
Age: 28 yrs
Motto: And wont you think Im pretty when I'm standing up next to the city lights
Nationality: Greek
Preferences: Search sexual encounters
Breast: Big tits
Eye color: grey
Perfumes: Michael Jordan
Orientation: Bisexuals


Cumshot on body
Couples sex
Sexy shower Rijeka
Brazilian sex Rijeka
School girl sex
Passionate kissing Rijeka
Doggy style
Deep throat Rijeka
Golden Shower Rijeka
Sex in Different Positions


Quick €50
1 hour €120
Plus hour €70 €110 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €700
24 hours

You are a man and you have not been able to fulfill your sexual fantasies, talk to me and I will give you the best full sex service.

Escort Saymi reviews:

ROBINIAGARBURE: Vidio sam Saymi nekoliko puta. Saymi je atraktivna Azijatkinja u svojim 40-ima. Saymi ne nudi punu uslugu. Umjesto toga, ona nudi masažu nakon koje slijedi vrlo sretan završetak. Ona daje dodatne korake kako bi se vi osjećali ugodno.

AVONLEA33SUNSTONE: Nije bilo dobro s njom, nije imala zabavan stav. Možda se jednostavno nije osjećala za tu noć, ali to znači da ne bi trebala prihvaćati rezervacije, jer je bilo jako tužno kad sam došao u njezin stan. Izgledala je pristojno, ali to nije puno značilo ako nije uopće se nije smiješila i činilo se da ju je više zanimao njezin telefon nego razgovor sa mnom. Ako je ovaj posao doista samo neka ekstremna usluga mušterijama, stvarno se naljutila. Nije je zanimao ni seks, a bilo je to prebrzo popušeno i ležala je kao mokra deka dok sam je tukao. Razočaravajuće.

Interpol: Imao sam malo više vremena prije odlaska iz Anchoragea i želio sam ugodno provesti poslijepodne. Slučajno sam naišao na oglas Saymi i bio sam očaran njezinim iskustvom i tankim stasom. Postavljanje je bilo brzo i dogovoreno je. Saymi je ostala u kontaktu dok je bila na putu i imala je neke posebne zahtjeve za sobu i neka pića. Tvrdila je da je pomalo sramežljiva kada upoznaje nove ljude. Srećom, uspio sam udovoljiti iako nisam imao najavu unaprijed. Kad je stigla, sramežljivost je brzo nestala.Proveli smo neko vrijeme upoznavajući jedno drugo, i bilo je vrijedno toga. Iako sam planirao 2 sata, nemam pojma koliko je vremena prošlo; bilo je zamagljeno! Svakako pojedite svoje Wheaties i pokrenute svoju maštu prije nego što vidite Saymi. Trebat će vam oboje! Čitajte dalje za detalje...

Lilypad: Ona je lijepa, seksi žena s prljavim željama!. Druženje s krupnijim damama je super jer one to žele više. Stvarno može duboko u grlo, a igranje s njezinim sisama bio je san. Pojebao ju je straga kako bih mogao stisnuti te savršene guzice.



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There's an awful lot of truth to this statement.

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Either own up to your choice to stay in it as is, or gather some self respect and move out. Find a way.

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But a couple of things have happened during this time that has really given me a bad heart sinking gut feeling.

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No, he has not really met many of my friends at all. He has met my best friend, and two of my girlfriends. I have yet to meet his close friends, I only met one friend so far. He keeps wanting to plan a couples dinner with his best friend and best friend's girlfriend, but I am not so often in his city... there's always something up.

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Take themselves too seriously (confidence is good; arrogance is not).

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now thats an incredible body!!! wow is all i can say!!!

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The best way to know is to find out for yoursel.

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I have had guys at the grocery store say some crazy stuff to me that turned me off immediately.

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Don't you dare show a chink in it anymore!

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That was probably meant for you, because she wants to marry me, so I'm not in the friendzone.

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His reputation improves... both in #'s and by association with a woman like me.

Hey! Today with a girlfriend alone, looking for sex adventures! 🍓

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