Ti s dvije seksi dame... Koji muškarac ne sanja o seksu u troje s dvije žene? Dvije lijepe žene zvone vam na vratima, s kojima čim se ugledate želja i napetost ispunjavaju sobu. Možda jedna plavuša, jedna brineta, različite jedna od druge ili možda vrlo slične... Na vama je kako će izgledati vaš savršeni eskort spoj s drvetom... Jedno je sigurno - dvije će dame čekati sve vaše želje... kako lijepo… Za više informacija kontaktirajte nas. Sretni smo što možemo organizirati posebnu noć za vas. Luxury Lady Manager Ljubitelj hrane iako nije izbirljiv.
Height: | 179 cm |
Weight: | 55 kg |
Age: | 24 yrs |
Motto: | It is beter to take the risk and know than never knowing at all'me' |
Nationality: | Australian |
Preferences: | Seeking real swingers |
Breast: | like peaches |
Lingerie: | Luce del Sole |
Perfumes: | Susanne Lang |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Private Photos Split |
Bare back blow job |
Intimate massage |
Anal massage |
Prostate Massage |
Shower service |
Dinner companion |
Quickie sex Split |
Blow job Split |
Dominatrix |
Blowjob with Condom |
Handjob Split |
Outdoor Sex |
Masturbation |
Ball Licking and Sucking |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €40 | |
1 hour | €100 | |
Plus hour | €70 | |
12 hours | ||
24 hours | €1000 |
Devilism: Došao je na poziv. Bilo mi je drago vidjeti izgled Anne Sofia. A njezino držanje bilo je za pamćenje. Ponovio bi.
WHISHRECOGNIZER: Anne Sofia je prsata i lijepa, ali izgleda još bolje kada dobije zločesti pogled u očima, zadirkuje, iskušava, traži još i još..Bio sam zadivljen ugledavši Anne Sofia ispred sebe, i vidio sam kako je nevjerojatno zgodna i lijepa. Odmah je krenula s pušenjem, pa sam onda ja upotrijebio vibrator i dildo na njoj, pa smo tek kad se smočila prešli na ševu. Bili smo toliko divlji i napaljeni da sam to mogla raditi svaki dan. Opet smo završili s pušenjem, koje je bilo sto puta bolje nego na početku, a kad sam trebao završiti, poprskao sam je po sisama. Bio sam na još jednoj rundi koja je bila vrlo slična već opisanoj prvoj rundi. Napustio sam njezino mjesto s ogromnim osmijehom i dobrim sjećanjem. Ponovit ću čim budem mogao, i mogu je preporučiti.
Keylock V.: Vidio sam informacije za ovu gospođu tijekom posljednjih nekoliko tjedana i odlučio sam je nazvati. Drago mi je da jesam. Ona je pravo otkriće. Nečlanovi... nemojte je propustiti. VIP čitajte dalje.
Tifany C.: Primijetio sam da je High Society ponovno pokrenut kao The Candy Shop pa sam pomislio da ću ga isprobati. Izbor su dvije djevojke Anne Sofia i Char s Brooke za stolom. Bože. Kakav izbor. Obje su bile lijepe i obje su imale samo 18 godina. Odlučio sam se za Anne Sofia. Djelovala je pomalo nevino, ali očito je bila tu jer je to željela i željela je znati radi li sve kako treba. Pomalo čudne cijene - ulaz, masaža, a zatim pokriveno pušenje, seks i/ili ljubljenje. Odlučio sam se za seks i pušenje tako da je ukupni trošak bio Anne Sofia savršen. Pušenje je bilo dobro i lijepo je pristajalo. Sve dok se drže ove formule, bez problema ću preporučiti ovo mjesto ako je to ono što tražite u Leicesteru.
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Hi..I am a quiet male, widowed, and looking for a companion. I like BBWs and aggressive women. If you like to be the boss, it will be a good fit. I am a 50 shades of me kind of guy, know what I.
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Amazing and very nice!
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But after 4 dates he lost interest and does not want to seem to even go out as a group with her even. Either because he feels awkward or just really dislikes her now. If she is there, he will not be there. I figured we can all still be friends but he seems be avoiding her. My bf said B thinks my friend is weird, so hurtful to hear. My friend is heartbroken, keeps asking me to try to get B to hang out, but I think more she does that the more she is pushing him away. I feel bad for my friend, afraid this will ruin our good friendship as she says it hurts n reminds her of B when she sees me and my bf.
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wish i can cheat with her on the test.
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Questions why are not all of my pictures put into voting they all got the rules and are great pictures? All are original and the more allowed to pass the better pics I start uploading. Thanks for the help.
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Hi, i like to go horse back riding, Dart bike and go to movie go out to eat. need to get a place of my own or with a partner would be nice.
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You really should do nothing, as you offered Friday to her. If she likes you and wants to see you she will give you a response. By not hearing back from her so far I would say she is not too interested.
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I had this reaction recently.
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I think i dont like black and white pics no clue why.
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Damn!! Great body, near perfect - hair, face, stomach, gap, ibt, legs. WOW!!
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^In regards to me acting like I won't get a second date and telling her...trust me, I know much better than to be that way. Problem here is that she rejected me, twice, because she was worried about "ruining the friendship". So getting a date just by asking her straight up didn't work, and I felt like I had to work out this "deal".
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Im hypnotized by her.