Demitris (18), Zadar, escort sexgirl     Call

Demitris (18) escort Zadar

"Pretty Sweet Asian Massage, Evething U Want !!! Zadar"


Tel. number
Location: Zadar / Croatia
Last seen: Yesterday in 12:28
5 days ago: 14:54
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: EnglishFrench, Spanish, Portugese, Italian
Piercings: Navel
Pussy: Shaved mostly
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Payments: Cash
Duo service: Modester escort

About Me

Zdravo ljubavi moje, moje ime je Demitris. Ja sam prekrasna pratnja, visoka 1,56 i imam godina. Spremna svim svojim lijepim i zaobljenim tijelom da ti pružim najtoplije i najslađe trenutke koje ćeš ikada proživjeti, neće me imati nitko tko bi me uspoređivao ili ću barem dati najbolje od sebe, ispunjavajući sve tvoje želje i čineći veza između nas.Bit ćete iznenađeni mojom mekom bijelom kožom, mojim slatkim usnama, kao i mojom dugom, seksi i ravnom kosom.

Mogu vam ponuditi dodatne usluge kao što su: seks u troje i momačke večeri!

Ako se usudite upoznati me, uvjeravam vas da nećete požaliti!!! Zatražite da nazovem ili pošaljem poruku mojoj agenciji i zakažite naš sastanak u vašem apartmanu, motelu ili hotelu po vašem izboru. Ostavljam ti malu pusu za koju se nadam da ću ti je uskoro dati;)

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Hola mis amores, me llamo Daniela. Soy una hermosa escort de 1,56 de estatura y con 23 añitos. Estoy dispuesta con todo mi hermoso y curvílineo cuerpo a hacerte pasar los momentos más placenteros y dulces que en tu vida vayas a vivir. No habrá quien se me compare o al menos daré lo mejor de mí para que así sea y entendernos muy bien. Te sorprenderás con mi piel blanca y suave, de mis labios deliciosos, además de mi pelo largo y lacio.

Te puedo ofrecer servicios extras como: tríos y despedidas de solteros!

Si te animas a conocerme, te aseguro que no te arrepentirás!!! Pregunta por mí llamando o escribiendo a mi agencia y agenda nuestro encuentro en tu apartamento, motel o en el hotel de tu preferencia. Te dejo un besito que espero dártelo pronto ;) Vruća masaža, opuštajuća masaža

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 174 cm
Weight: 63 kg / 139 lbs
Age: 18 yrs
Hobby: study english
Nationality: Estonian
Preferences: I'm wanting nsa
Breast: BB
Eye color: green
Perfumes: Alyssa Ashley
Orientation: Bisexuals


Cum on body
Golden Shower
Prostate Massage
Sexy lingerie
Cum on Face
Brazilian sex Zadar
Deep Throat
Bondage sex
Sauna Sex Zadar
Slave sex Zadar
Golden Shower
Role Play


Quick €40 €60
1 hour €110
Plus hour €90
12 hours
24 hours

Escort Demitris reviews:

KOLKHOSKAMOL: Tražio sam masažu i ova se pokazala vrlo lijepom. Jednostavan za postavljanje, prijateljska i primamljiva atmosfera, ponuđeno je piće i razgovor bez žurbe prije nego što se baci na masažu, što je bilo sjajno.

VIPERISH40SHIMONO: Novi u ovoj agenciji. Uspio sam biti raščišćen prilično brzo. Odabrano Demitris na temelju moje dostupnosti. Slike su prilično točne.

SCRAZE29RIZZOLO: Dugo sam gledao Beccu (u vrijeme Chelsea) i napokon sam je uspio vidjeti početkom ljeta. Ona je super ljubazna žena i bila je izuzetno dobra u onome što radi.

SOLONTITIS: TER pretraga mi je dala telefonski broj Demitris pa sam je nazvao u nedjelju poslijepodne i bio sam na vratima njezine hotelske sobe za jedan sat. Volim kad stvari idu ovako glatko. Budući da je bila stariji tip MILF, Demitris je imala izvrsno, mršavo tijelo. Njezina pixie ošišana plava kosa također joj je dala mlađi izgled. Kad me pustila u sobu, osjetio sam dim cigarete, ali nije bio težak i nalazio se u blizini kupaonice. Demitris mi je zagrlio dobrodošlicu i malo smo razgovarali. Bila je puna energije i činilo se da jedva čeka otići. Možda joj se sviđam (mig!). Ispunio sam njezine želje jer sam se i ja jedva čekao otići. Tako je pričanje svedeno na minimum, a akcija je brzo krenula. To je vruće i postaje još vruće u sočnim detaljima.



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I have profile on

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imagine looking down to that face.

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I want to go to that school.

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Reading it lierally its wacky, but I'd say they are probably more domesticated than men in a number of Asian cultures. I help out with the meals when I'm in a relationship and the husbands of both my sisters also cook dinners as their wives work and are not housewives.

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-he says that he will NEVER be in the delivery room with me/his wife when she is having his baby (he'll be in the waiting room smoking a cigar with his brother).

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After one month again I met her last day. I went there only because of her. So you can imagine how she is. I think I will meet every month. Thank you veena. Kisses.....

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Jaohs: The ballet pic was clearly too young. You get one warning for being a user on the site so long. Any more like that or obvious rule breaking uploads and you'll be banned from uploading.

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How would you feel if he dated and had sex with someone else for several months? Would you be hurt?

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Thanks. She told me that he asked her out to which she turned him down by saying she has a boyfriend. However, she recently offered to help him practice for the interview on Skype.

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Long blonde hair, very pretty face, a slim trim figure and perfect skin. This girl has it all. Beautiful!

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1.) Her Dr's are unable to find anything wrong with her with traditional tests, so they have diagnosed chronic back pain. This means she eats a bunch of painkillers every day. Physical Therapy starts soon, and the estimate is 1-2 years of recovery.

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But what's between 3's tits? :D.

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