Tel. number | |
Location: | Zagreb / Croatia |
Last seen: | Today in 21:50 |
7 days ago: | 06:49 |
Incall/Outcall: | Outcall |
Foreign languages: | English, Dutch |
Piercings: | Clit |
Pussy: | Trimmed |
Safe apartment: | Yes |
Shower available: | Yes |
Drinks delivered: | Yes |
Duo service: | Franke escort |
Tražili ste nekoga tko je istinski prijateljski nastrojen, nekoga tko ima strast za zabavom i novim avanturama? Netko tko je otvorenog uma s iskustvom i inteligencijom da razumije vaše tajne potrebe i želje... Dobrodošli u moj svijet! Ja sam europskog porijekla i fakultetski sam obrazovan. Tečno govorim 3 jezika, moja strast prema putovanjima i kulturama čini me savršenim društvom za lijepo odgojenog gospodina punog poštovanja. Moji prijatelji kažu da su moje male prirodne grudi i živahna zadnjica moj glavni adut. Neki kažu da su ih moja glatka maslinasta koža i moje atletsko tijelo odveli na divlju vožnju. Volio bih misliti da su ih moj prijateljski osmijeh i drske zelene oči sve hipnotizirali :o) Ja sam samosenzualist i obožavam davati i primati senzualne masaže. Siguran sam da će vam iskustvo istinske djevojke koje ćete doživjeti sa mnom ostaviti osjećaj dragocjenog trenutka provedenog u društvu velikodušne, prijateljske i strastvene kurtizane. Nazovite me na moj telefon ili e-mail.
Height: | 188 cm |
Weight: | 73 kg / 161 lbs |
Age: | 33 yrs |
Motto: | eat my balls mr garisonfor sure & cool |
Nationality: | Czech |
Preferences: | Seeking private sex |
Breast: | very large:) |
Eye color: | brown |
Perfumes: | Parfums Love Love |
Orientation: | Bisexuals |
Facesitting |
Striptease Zagreb |
Hand job |
Sex in Different Positions |
Oral Sex |
Body worship |
Cum on Face |
Couples sex |
Fisting |
Sexy lingerie |
Social escort |
Titjob |
Sauna Sex |
Anal massage |
Scat |
Time | Incall | Outcall |
Quick | €40 | |
1 hour | €110 | |
Plus hour | €100 | |
12 hours | ||
24 hours | €1300 |
Love, I am available to give you the best sex of your life. To please all your wishes we can enjoy ourselves in a rich bed I will offer the best oral sex. Full anal sex treatment of pololo. 🔥 I'm starting ready for you..
Subnormality: Uspostava standardnih 2 poziva. Nazvala sam idi tamo i dala mi je broj sobe. Otvorila je vrata i ona je zgodna latino milfa, zagrlila me i uvela.
tribal971: Barsenya je osobno izgledao još bolje nego na fotografijama. Lagano našminkana, kosa joj je bila svježa i sjajna, donje rublje skupo i općenito je bila nevjerojatna. Možda ću ovdje biti previše pristran jer mi se ova djevojka jako svidjela. Podsjeća me na nekoga koga sam volio i to je glavni razlog zašto sam je rezervirao. Mislim da je jako lijepa. Rekao sam joj to i zahvalila se. Imala je profesionalan pristup svom poslu i zadržavanju interesa kupca. Poljubila me i bilo je dobro. Učinila je što sam je zamolio. Počeo s OWO, odlična tehnika i previše sam se upustio u to i završio. Rekla mi je da mogu onoliko puta koliko mogu i pomogla mi da se pospremim i popričala sa mnom prije nego što me ponovno poljubila i žestoko me udarila. Ubacio ju je u mish tada doggy, jako i brzo i ovaj put završio u vreći. Očistio se, rekao joj da je ona nevjerojatna žena koja zaslužuje sve. Mislim da joj je bilo iskreno drago to čuti :).
TESTERS18ROPE: Poslana poruka dobila je uobičajenu poruku s adresom hotela. Kad sam stigao, otišao sam do nje i malo pričekao odgovor. Dobio sam broj sobe i krenuo gore. Nisam veliki obožavatelj hotelske scene, ali ok za brzo rješenje. Vjerojatno neće ponavljati VIP-ovi pročitajte dalje.
deluka03: Vidio sam njezine recenzije i htio sam se upoznati. SMS-om/nazvao sam svoje zahtjeve i dogovorio sastanak i otišao sam. Ona je teško dostupna
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Im from the west indies orginally, i produce my own music, i like to read sex&horror books, watch action&comdey movies.
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She doesn't like to be penetrated..AT ALL. Don't get me wrong. I love going down on a woman and take pride in being told that I "eat p**sy like a lesbian". But I mean realistically, what kind of enjoyable sex life can you have with a woman that wants foreplay only? So do I think she should leave this guy? Yes. He is too ego centric and performance driven. However, any guy she winds up with is going to want her to enjoy his dick inside her. So unless she plans on becoming a lesbian anytime soon, she should take it upon herself to find out why she hates penetration so much and find a solution. That way sex with her won't be one sided, and the guy she's with won't feel like a borderline rapist.
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You have seniority, so I'll STFU now. Thanks for all you do here man! Really (y).
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You then know the score and can react on your own terms - if she was playing games, then give her a bollocking, lay down the law, and say if she ever pulls that crap again you are leaving for good. If she was serious - well, you just gotta move on since she won't be coming back.
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I'm sorry that I can't give you any true advice..but I will tell you what the friend might be thinking. It's been a year since we last dated..and you know what, he felt so guilty about the ex, that he went back to her. They ended up breaking up multiple times..him breaking up with her. And throughout most of it..we have been emotionally and intellectually attached to each other. We only talk when we are out with our mutual friends, but when we are together, it is like nothing has changed. I look back on this situation, and if I could do it all over again, I would never have let him go. I have so much regret, about letting him go, and I feel that I am to blame for so much of it, because I was too scared to go after him. I could have been the one to keep chasing him and telling him that we can just take our time, and things will work out..instead of letting him completely go..and getting completely lost in the arms of his now current and former ex gf. I care for him so much that I worry for him ..even if I don't show it to him. If you have such strong feelings for this girl, I think you can safely think that she feels the same..but she is just very very scared. Imagine meetin someone who just came out of a 4 year relationship..there's so much attachment there that you will always wonder if the person is just on the rebound or if they will ever go back to the ex. And because of this..she is trying to save herself from getting hurt..I know how she feels..and even worse, is that you have mutual friends..and so you start to wonder if your friends will think you are trying to be a homewrecker by going after a guy who just broke up with his gf. There are just so many fears from this end of things...but at the same time, you kno that you've shared something so special, and this is why she knows that one day, if you are meant to be together, you will be. She doesn't worry about that..because she knows that it was something amazing, and there's no way that you can ever get that person off your mind, once you've had it.
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OMG! this is one of the best! nice body!
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a) They clearly show they're trying to get the f-buddy to grow into more.
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The best of best girl I have ever met, superb experience with no regrets at all, far and far better than in the photos, nice face, sexy body always smile on her face made me crazy about her. Everything did with pleasure what we agreed before the meeting and not a clock watcher at all. Will not go to any other girl untill her staying in Dubai. Love you babe, hope to see you again and again.