Victor (27), Zagreb, escort sexgirl
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Victor (27) escort Zagreb

"Russian Russian Hottie time! Zagreb"


Tel. number
Location: Zagreb / Croatia
Last seen: 2 days ago in 03:27
Today: 07:13
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: English, Slovak
Piercings: Tongue
Pussy: Shaved mostly
Parking: Yes
Shower available: Yes
Drinks delivered: Yes

About Me

◆Terapeut certificiran od strane All Nippon Esthetic Association (AEA)◆ ■Drugi terapeut Gran Erotic Massage Tokyo■ Elegantan izgled koji podsjeća na kći slavljenice i vitka figura s grudima u obliku E-čašice. Savršena je jedina riječ koju možemo zamisliti kada opisujemo nju, izrazito primamljivu damu. Vještine estetike i prirodne nježnosti savršeno su pomiješane, nudeći blaženo iscjeljenje s ugodnim osjećajima od glave do pete. → Nisam krupna ali ni mršava.

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 172 cm
Weight: 57 kg / 126 lbs
Age: 27 yrs
Motto: is it dead?
Nationality: Russian
Preferences: I'm ready sexy chat
Breast: Lagre (C)
Lingerie: Deseo
Perfumes: Charles Jourdan
Orientation: Straight


Private Video Zagreb
Ball Licking and Sucking
Cum in Mouth
Scat Zagreb
Prostate Massage Zagreb
Light bondage sex
Dinner companion
Bondage sex Zagreb
Masturbate Zagreb
Blowjob without Condom Zagreb
Golden Shower
Lingerie Zagreb
Balls licking and sucking


Quick €30 €60
1 hour €110 €170 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
Plus hour €80 €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours €700
24 hours

Escort Victor reviews:

EKARINA49HISTON: Masaža je bila dosta kratka, ali ja sam stvarno htjela prijeći na posao pa me to nije zamaralo. Čini se da Victor zapravo uživa u svom poslu i bila je oduševljena oralnim davanjem i primanjem te je zapravo uspjela postići orgazam - nijedan dečki, pravi orgazam, a ne onaj ooh arrrs kakav dobiješ s nekim djevojkama. Zatim smo se poseksali u 3 položaja i završili u mishu. Sveukupno izvrstan punt i svakako netko koga mogu preporučiti kao punih deset od deset!

ChaseC88: Ako se odlučite koristiti ovu agenciju, svakako nazovite osobu koja govori engleski na web stranici jer ćete inače teško rezervirati svoj termin. Recepcionerka dobro govori engleski i izuzetno je uslužna. Natahsa je niska, sitna i slatka Ukrajinka. Ovo je moj prvi od 3 posjeta kada sam je vidio kada sam bio u Kijevu 5 dana poslovno. Stigla je na vrijeme obučena kao ona ako je bila spremna izaći u klub jer je stvarno išla u klub nakon našeg dogovora. Budući da je bio studeni i vani oko 20 stupnjeva Farenheita, bila je sva umotana u zimsku odjeću. Nisam mislio da je tako niska. Ali kad je skinula jaknu, iznenadio sam se kad sam vidio njezinu slatku i sitnu postavu kako nosi crne kožne uske hlače s uskom bijelom majicom s V izrezom i par krznenih zimskih čizama u stilu eskima. Ona nije vaš tip modela, ali izgleda kao prosječna slatka djevojka iz susjedstva koju ste oduvijek željeli...Vip's read on

Aught E.: Ona je mlada s lijepim licem. Njezine fotografije su stvarne, a njezina osobnost izvrsna. Definitivno će se ponoviti.

SOUCHY34TRUSSEL: Znam već neko vrijeme. Izgubili smo kontakt na nekoliko godina zbog života i njegovih putovanja.Kad se ponovno pojavila na sceni, znao sam da se želim "ponovno okupiti". Poslao sam joj poruku i kad je shvatila da sam to stvarno ja, krenuo sam! Victor Ann je prava MILF. Dovoljno zrela da zna što voli, dovoljno zrela da zna što je potrebno da muškarac bude sretan. D/DF.



| +1 |

Well, you were only asking WHERE to meet, at 1PM, correct? Not if you were going at all, which was already established?

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Online dating can be tricky.. it sounds like he is probably dating (or trying to date) a few women. If I were you I'd pull waaaaaaaay back. Don't contact him again... he knows you are interested in seeing him again... the ball's in his court now. If he's smart he'll ask you out again... but if not then definitely "NEXT"! his loss, right?

| +1 |

Pants down, thongs, winter jackets. Nice buns. Now all we need is a roaring fire & hot chocolate to thaw things out.

| +1 |

db gap dbgap pretty eyes.

| +1 |

But what about him? He has booked his tickets and I am sure she doesn't want to hurt him? I don't give a rat's ass about him but she might want him to come too simply because they made plans already. I don't. Should I just suck it up and try to become friends with this guy or make her tell him that there is a change of plans and he can go but not hang out with us. By the way, the trip is in about 1.5 weeks away.

| +1 |

I've given it the rest of the day of no contact to give her space as she'd have had her presentation and interview today. I'm thinking of waiting until the evening tomorrow and sending a fun upbeat text to her then ask if she's free to use the phone, maybe hearing each others voice is a good idea.

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Oh really, you're playing games with me now D-Lish?

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In addition to this issue, the relationship has been somewhat turbulent and I dated a few women last year. As I was dating, I told her I was losing hope as she never cares to resolve issues that are important. One of the woman I dated and broke up with told my girlfriend about all the women I was dating. My girlfriend was upset, (I told her I was surprised that she was upset because of her aloof attitude), so we resolved the issue and picked up where we left off. However, things haven't changed and there's no compromise on her part. I've stayed in contact with Susan, she's a physical trainer and constantly gets hit on, she wants to move in with me but I'm not feeling it and I don't want to encourage her.

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