Crystel (26), Split, escort model
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Real Crystel (26) escort Split

"Skirt Hems in Split"


Tel. number
Location: Split / Croatia
Last seen: 4 days ago in 10:13
1 day ago: 20:57
Incall/Outcall: Incall & Outcall
Foreign languages: English, German
Piercings: Breasts
Tatoo: Many
Safe apartment: Yes
Parking: Yes
Payments: Cash

About Me

______Potpuno______Potpuno -USLUGE X! Pozdrav gospodo! Ja sam vrlo senzualna robna marka u gradu!.... Obratit ću pozornost na sve vaše želje i ostvariti vaše fantazije... Pobrinut ću se da se osjećate vrlo ugodno čim uđete u moj stan... Naravno da je naše vrijeme potpuno uživali!!! Ja sam iskren i pobrinut ću se da odete s osmijehom XxX 2x DUO MOGUĆ !!!! TEL: 07459 562 444 POZIV: Chester, Preston, Birkenhead, Warrington, Northwich, Blackpool, Blackburn, Manchester…i okolica Veselim se lijepom druženju s vama :-).

Personlig info & Bio

Height: 185 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Age: 26 yrs
Hobby: BDSM, tattoos, and entertaining.
Nationality: Brazilian
Preferences: I looking dick
Breast: D
Lingerie: Deseo
Perfumes: Atelier des Ors
Orientation: Bisexuals


Tantric sex
Mutual masturbation
Titjob Split
Bare back blow job
Covered blow job
Ball Licking and Sucking
Whirlpool escorts Split
Golden Shower Split
Couples sex
Golden Shower Split
Kissing escort Split
Balls licking and sucking
Handjob Split
Body worship


Quick €50
1 hour €100
Plus hour €100 + Outcall Travel Fee (Taxi)
12 hours
24 hours

Hello my love, my name is Crystel, I am yo, I am Crystel delicious Brazilian and hot asshole with whom you are going to enjoy like never before, I assure you that we will enjoy together, let's have a great time in bed🔥. I wait for you with desire, to give you a rich and relaxed service without hassle with caresses and kisses from boyfriends... My whole body, my little pussy and my mischievous and crazy tongue that want to give you pleasure in that rich place of your body. 🍆👅💦 Enjoy me completely! We will make love so delicious that you will end up delicious with a rich oral or rich Brazilian on my tits my love😈. Come visit me, I have a discreet and totally hygienic place. You just have to contact me to schedule our appointment. I'll wait for you. Kisses 👄.

Escort Crystel reviews:

JR54123: Ova slatka Azijatkinja će vam dati vruću masažu koju nikada nećete zaboraviti. Kad sam došao do njezina stana, bila je jako odjevena i pozvala nas je da uđemo.Imala je veliki osmijeh na licu i razgovarale smo malo o masažama, a ubrzo me odvela u svoju spavaću sobu i ostavila da legnem na krevet. Ruke su joj bile divne na meni, a ja sam bio vrlo uzbuđen. Gledao sam je kako polako skida haljinu i stvarno je imala savršeno, zategnuto tijelo. Natjerala me da se okrenem, ali je izlila ulje za masažu na sebe, a zatim pritisnula svoje tijelo na moje, i osjećala sam se nevjerojatno. Siguran sam da je jednostavno mogla osjetiti koliko sam uzbuđen. I probila se dolje između mojih nogu, prvo rukama, a zatim ustima da mi ugodi. Samo divan i intenzivan osjećaj koji je znalački prepustila sve do oslobađanja. Tako sjajna masaža. Nećeš biti razočaran.

RUBBLESSYSTYLE: Kao da je odmah izašla iz slike i ušla u moj krevet. Nisam veliki tip i volim žene koje su pomalo sitne, tako da mi je Crystel stvarno zapelo za oko, jer je izgledala zgodno u ovom kompletu donjeg rublja. Kad sam rezervirao, spomenuo sam to i bio sam sretan kad sam vidio da je, kad je stigla u moju hotelsku sobu, nosila potpuno istu stvar ispod kaputa. Kao da je odmah izašla iz slike i ušla u moj krevet. Rekao sam joj to i ona se zahihotala, i bilo je kao da se družim s prijateljem dok razgovaramo, ja pijem kriglu, a ona pijucka čašu vina. Činilo mi se da previše pričam, ali možda zato što je bila sramežljiva. Sretan sam što mogu reći da nisam morao napraviti prvi korak (iako sam to želio), jer je na kraju spustila čašu i zgrabila me za ruku i mi krenula prema krevetu, a rukama je prelazila preko mog tijela i šaputala mi neke vrlo seksi stvari. Ubrzo nakon toga morali smo se oprostiti od odjeće, iako je ona taj seksi grudnjak zadržala još malo na sebi. Nije htjela čekati ni sekunde kada je trebalo da mi da oralno, a to je jednostavno bio jedan od najboljih ikada sam primio. Osjećao sam se tako dobro i odmah sam otišao, ali ubrzo sam bio spreman za još jednu rundu. Okretale smo se po krevetu i ja sam se pobrinuo da je ona dovede do čizme, a kad smo isprobavali različite položaje, mogu reći da je način na koji me stisnula bio rajski. Bilo je to čarobno vrijeme, a nakon toga smo se i malo mazili , prije nego što je morala otići. Jedva čekam da je ponovno vidim.

base: Svidjelo mi se kako Crystel izgleda i usluga je bila upravo ono što sam želio. Crystel se prepustio fetišu koji sam tražio i silno mi je želio ugoditi. Nemam primjedbi! Definitivno bih je nastavio viđati, ne bih volio izgubiti takav dragulj! Sigurno ćemo to ponoviti uskoro, thx Bed Domination.

PUNTTHOMSON: Poslao sam joj poruku na wechatu i dala mi je lokaciju svog hotela. Na zvono na vratima, vrata je otvorila lijepa djevojka.



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Okcupid doesn't seem to have a large enough database for sydney, I like the way it works, they just seem to lack users. Plenty of fish seem to have tons of people, but from the brief look I took (between the incoming barrage of illiterate messages), the profiles look short and the search criteria quite limited.

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I was born in California ( September 10,1964) but i didn't grow up in Cali.My dad was American & Mom was British (lost them both at a very tender age,was barely 5 years old then). I grew up mostly in.

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I am a guy that likes to date online message me if your interested. I do hangouts zachtgirard12@gmail dot com. I like video messaging but only on Hangouts no sites pleas.

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All non HP picture related comments will be deleted, use the comment page instead. I'm seriously serious you guys.

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since it's only been two weeks... go ahead and break up with him now... this way he's not too emotionally attached... and then in a month when you see him with someone else... you can come back here and post a new thread called "Why can't I meet a nice guy?" Like every other woman out there who doesn't like the 'nice guy' j/k.

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I would say for you to truly forgive him and to give him another shot. I would ask him if he can take you to his cousin's fiancee's place so you can see where he's living and, if possible, for you to also meet his cousin's fiancee. A woman's intuition is usually right on target, and by meeting her as well as seeing how he's currently living, you can get a feel for his environment as well as seeing the both of them interacting with each other. If your gut tells you that something's a little (or a lot) "off" about this living arrangement, then you can make a decision about him then. Or, if everything seems on the up-and-up and your gut tells you that he's being honest with you about this current living situation, then hopefully your trust in him will increase.

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Funny. Some ppl never learn.

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Hmmm. Let J decide if he wants to continue being with you. Show him somehow that you are willing to be the woman that you need to be with J. It might take a while?

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I love to read and learn. I have a decent job and can take care of myself. I have two children, a boy and a girl, and a yellow lab. love the outdoors, hiking, camping, beaches et.

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Heh, I guess I'm not that short after all (6'2", still about 1' shorter than other guys at my school. Those full-Aussie dudes are so friggin tall! ).

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love those socks and her outfit.

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In my opinion I think this girl is already in a relationship, but she is keeping you there as a back up incase things don't work out.

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Really no words..there's this picture...and then everything else.

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Definitely Paris. The map she's holding confirms the theory :).

Hey! Today with a girlfriend alone, looking for sex adventures! 🍓

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